Chapter 2

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Y/N) covers the paper she was writing on, "Hello Izu! I wasn't expecting you to be here!" She smiles.

"(Y/N)...why weren't you at UA..." he says frightened. (Y/N) sighs and turns directly towards the curly-haired boy.

"Izuku...this is hard to say...but... I'm Quirkless." (Y/N) says. She looked down and her hands shift into a fist. "I felt ashamed to tell you...I'm so sorry...But...," she looks up and smiles with tears in her eyes.

"You're in UA! You're dream! And I'm Happy!" She smiles. Izuku's eyes soon filled with tears. And his lips trembled.

"You could've told me...There was no need to be Ashamed...but now I'm ashamed that I'm in UA and you're not." He cried. "No wonder you always tried to advise the topic of being in UA" he finishes as he wipes his tears.

The two teenagers soon embraced in a hug. Izuku was crying. And (Y/N)...well, she was relieved she told the truth but even more about him forgetting about the Survey Corps paper.

(Y/N)s mother then had entered the room, "oh my! Izuku! (Y/N)! What's wrong?!" She runs towards the teenagers.

"I just told Izuku about me being Quirkless..." (Y/N) mumbled.

"Oh...I'm so sorry you two couldn' in UA together..."

(Y/N) shakes her head. "It's not your fault. It's mine." (Y/N)s mom tears up due to her words and Izuku also looked worried.

"Don't say that! It's not your fault! Please don't say that!" Her mother cried.

"(Y/N) is going to join the Survey Corps," Izuku says emotionless as he remembered the paper.

(Y/N)s eyes widen in anger and betrayal.


"I know! But I can help to get rid of the Titans! We could finally travel as you wish if humanity wins!" (Y/N)s argues.

"AND WHAT IF YOU DIE!" (Y/N)s mother yells tears streaming down her face. The room became utter silent. (Y/N) looks down. Izuku regrets saying anything, he didn't like when anyone close to him was upset.

"Then, if dying helps humanity to freedom, and your dream coming true. Then so be it." (Y/N) says and leaves her bedroom locking herself in the bathroom.

"I-I'm sorry I- didn't mean to " Izuku stutters out. (Y/N)s mom puts her hand on Izuku s shoulder.

"You should go home before your mother gets worried." She says holding tears in her eyes. Izuku nods and leaves.

(Y/N)s mom cries regretting yelling at her adoptive Daughter.


15 years ago.

A young version of (Y/N)s mother walked next to her husband. It hadn't been too long since they married.

"Shouta!" The young woman cries worried.

"What's wrong, Mei?" The young man with long hair and tired eyes.

"There's a a basket..." the young woman says in empathy as she gets closer to the basket.

In the basket was a sleeping baby girl. And a note by her side. The young man grabs the note and reads it.

'Please Take in my Daughter. Her name is (Y/N). Her birthday is February 17th. I wish I could keep her but. Unfortunately, I and my family reside outside musutafu. Titans roam everywhere and since musutafu has supernatural powers unlike Wall Maria, I decided leaving her in musutafu is better than risking the chances of her losing all of us and living in trauma.

-(Y/N)s Mother'

The young woman tears up hearing about the child and her mother. "Shouta! We need to take her in!" The woman pleads.

"But, Mei-" the young man starts.

"What if villains find her and use her for cruel reasons! If we raise her...she may have an opportunity in life! Imagine if she lived in those walls in worry one day those walls could fall?!" The woman pleaded more

The young man agreed finally and they 2 raised the girl. Shouta Aizawa had gotten a job at UA as a teacher, and due to his hero work he had a lack of sleep and they agreed that he should stay at UA till the day is to come (Y/N) 18. And maybe. She could see her biological parents. Hoping they live.

Present-day. 1 week later.

It's 2:36 am and (Y/N) had gotten ready to sneak out. Not for any bad intentions but to turn in her Application. She has already trained with them before. She just didn't have the heart to tell her mother.

So she lied that she was hanging out with Izuku. That lie had been going on for 4 years. And it's no use to use it now after the small argument a week prior.

(Y/N) jumped out her bedroom window. And walked her way outside of musutafu.

As she got to the border there was a big dome coving it. It seemed to be put up with a quirk. The dome made it seem there were more houses and buildings but it was a lie.

(Y/N) caressed her hand on the dome and she felt a brick texture soon enough. She pushed down and a big enough opening opened up. (Y/N) walked through and there it was.

The inside of Wall Rose.

"It's 4:57 am." (Y/N) mutters to herself.

(Y/N) continues to walk around and sees the training building. She smiles. And decided to wait till it was morning.

8:15 am.

The sun had finally risen and (Y/N) skipped her way inside the building.

"Ah! (Y/N)! Welcome back!" Hannes created the girl.

"Hi, Hannes!" She smiles.

The older man was confused; "heh. What happened to you.?"

The young girl sighs "let me guess I was emotionless and mute for years." She says irritated. Hannes slowly nods.

"Geez! First my childhood friends, mother, and now you?! What's wrong with you all?" (Y/N) angrily states.

Hannes shrugs and (Y/N) hands him the paper.

"The survey Corps...Are you sure (Y/N)?" Hannes says worriedly. (Y/N) nods;

"I want to free humanity from titans so my mom's dream of traveling can come true!" She gleams. Hannes chuckled

"Heh. Reminds me of someone I know." He says and ruffles (Y/N)s hair.

"Yeah! Yeah! I know! Armin Arlert!" (Y/N) rolled her eyes. Hannes smiled shyly.

"Well (Y/N)...guessing how you're strength, combat skills, and intelligence is you will get accepted." Hannes smiles as he reads the Paper.

"Hope so Al-" (Y/N) stops talking and her face shows pure worry and horror.

"What's wrong?" Hannes asks confused.

"I forgot to write a note to my mom I'm out, " she says as she gets worried.

Hannes also shows worry. "Then you should run over there and tell her."

"She doesn't want me to join the Scouts! Y'know what! Fuck everyone at home. I'm staying here." (Y/N)s face turned to determination.

Hannes only knew where (Y/N) was from, musutafu. He then worriedly places his hand on (Y/N)s shoulder. "Are you sure?"

"Yep! Absolutely." She says.

Quirk of Freedom (BNHA x AOT x READER INSERT)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن