01. all is fair in love & war

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       "The rich bastard," I muttered, but Mariana was able to hear me and raised a confused brow. I gave her a nervous chuckle. "I mean... this is amazing."

"Mr Villanueva has also assigned you a personal body-guard," Mariana stated unamused. "I will call him so you can meet him."

Mariana gave a small courtesy before she left the room. I rolled my eyes annoyed by the fact that I am being treated like some kind of royal.

I sat on the edge of the bed with a huff. I grabbed my purse and took out my phone. 20 missed calls and over 30 messages. I felt my heart being torn at the thought of Brian aimlessly looking for me.

       I looked around the room trying to formulate an escape plan. My eyes landed on the windows. I was way too high up to escape through there this time. My gaze fell back down on my phone.

       Brian's name was above the missed calls. I bit my bottom lip. If I called him and told him the truth, maybe just maybe he would help me escape. After I made up my mind, I turned on the phone and hovered my finger over his name.

"Hello Ms Moretti I am—What are you doing?!"

I jumped back taken aback by the sudden yelling. The phone slipped out of my hand, landing on beige carpet. I sighed in relief when I saw it was still intact.

"I am making a call to a friend," I lied.

The tall man lifted his eyebrow as he eyed me suspiciously. He did not believe me.

       I tried to reach for the phone before he did, but I am too slow. I flinched away as his foot stomped on the smartphone.

"I am sorry Ms Moretti, but the boss gave specific orders," Tomas leaned down and picked up the brown phone before turning around to throw it in the nearby trash can.

"You—" I growled before launching toward him. "Asshole!"

Tomas is taken aback by my sudden attack. I clung onto him as he tried to shake me off from his back. My nails dug into his skin and he winced in pain.

"Ma'am please!" He pleaded.

       "I think that's enough," we both froze at the familiar voice. Caterina was standing next to the door frame with an amused smile. "Tomas please set Ms Moretti down and you may take your leave."

I slid off Tomas' back with his help. Tomas walked out rubbing his scratched up arms. Caterina looked impressed by the damage I caused as she closed the door.

"I see the Moretti blood still flows through you," she teased as I fell onto the bed.

       "Oh shut it," I snapped but Caterina simply laughed it off as she took a seat beside me.

       Her small smirk fell and her expression became serious. An apologetic glint in her eyes. She ran a hand through my brown locks.

       "I am sorry I could not get you away on time," she stated and I could tell she was being genuine.

I stared up at the white ceiling. A large chandelier hung from the ceiling.

"You were right though," I admitted. "As long as Dante continues to love me, I will not be able to live a normal life. He will always find me."

       Caterina gave me a sympathetic smile. I looked back up at the ceiling as a few tears rolled down my cheeks, but I wipes them away.

       "I have some good news for you though," Caterina said aiming to cheer me up. "Your little friend is alright. Dante has him in one of the suites but no harm has come to him."

Forbidden Attractions (Book #2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz