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*Three and a half years later*

*Charley's POV*

Remember that bet that I made with Max the night that Jay took us all to dinner nearly four years ago? Yep. The night that Jay told us he and Loty were expecting, I was right and for sure I wiped that pretty little smirk that was plastered all over Max's face right off.

"Stop smirking" Max whined, I just laughed in response. "Shut up will you"



"What if I don't want to?" I questioned, still smirking before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Then I will shut you up" Max replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"And how do you plan to do th-" I started only to be cut off by Max's lips being forced on to mine, not that I minded, in fact, I instantly wanted more. I pecked his lips a few more times before Max said something.

"That's how Mrs. George" Max smirked, fair enough. He'd won this time but my heart was at melting point, every single time I get called Mrs George my heart flutters. I mean, when Max proposed I was thrown into an unknown world, it was all a bit surreal. But when the big day came? I was more nervous than anyone could have ever been.

*Sim's POV*

"YESYESYES" I squealed, jumping onto Siva, wrapping my legs round his waist.

"Thank you so so much" Siva whispered, kissing my head which was resting on his chest.

"Hey, it takes two" I winked, kissing his soft plump lips, go how I've missed those things. Recently Siva's been on tour but now he's back and if you haven't guessed, we wanted to trying for your second child and I've finally fallen pregnant... Again.

"Why's mummy screaming?" Our son asked, he was truly beautiful, my first child, my first baby boy, my first baby, all together, no matter what, I love him. I know every parent should have this unconditional love for their child but I have a weird bond with my son. I nearly lost him 8 months in, very nearly, it was all up to him, he was premature but survived it, he has a heart condition that could affect him for the rest of his life but doctors think that our little Ollie is strong enough. Yes, that is what we called him, Oliver Anthony Kaneswaran. We picked god parents pretty much soon as our little one was born; Nathan and Jade. I think Jade may have cried slightly bless her. We've all grown up so much though; it's been an amazing three, nearly four years since we met. Imagine if we had never moved down to London, we would have gone back to Nottingham, the boys would have gone on to conquer the world forgetting all about us five, we would have had to go to work, lead normal lives, knowing that we cherished those days with the boys.

"You're going to have a little baby brother or sister!" I told me baby, picking him up and balancing him on my hip. It'd been around June when I fell pregnant so it was February when little Ollie was born. It was exactly 4:34 on the 5th of February when our Ollie was born. One of the most memorable days in my life, did I tell you that Siva proposed that day as well? We've proposed the wedding, we wanted to try for our second before we got married, we wanted two kids and we wanted them at our wedding, so it could be another two or three years before we're married. I don't care, I want my babies and my fiancée and that is all.

"I want a baby sister! She better be cute like Charlie is!" Oliver told us. You're probably wondering who Charlie is... Hmmm? Well, I'm not going to steal their thunder....

*Jay's POV*

"Charlie baby come here" I cooed, my baby daughter was now in her walking stages, crawling up towards me, she was a tiny baby although she was born late.

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