Part 12 - Last chapter.

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*Loty's POV*

"Babe, I'm so sorry. I didn't really know what to think but I couldn't have asked for a better girlfriend and a better mother to my child. It isn't your fault, I regret saying that so much. I love you and I'm so sorry" Jay smiled sadly, his eyes were glazed over and his once bright blue eyes were now dull with no sparkle in them. That's how I knew he was sorry, he had changed, he wasn't himself until he knew he was forgiven if something was his fault.

"It's fine" I smiled, who was I kidding? Jay could say the worst things and I'd still forgive him, he basically has me wrapped round his little finger.

"Really?" He squealed... Oh my, he sounded like a fourteen year old girl that's been given her dream phone. I nodded my head as Jay become the Jay I knew, he literally flew across the room at me.

"Calm down bird" I smiled,

"What can I say? I'm just happy! The love of my life is carrying my first child!" He grinned,

"Stop being so soppy!" I giggled, only Jay McGuiness would react like this.

"Whatever!" He chuckled, rolling his eyes. "I'm taking everyone out tonight, my treat!" I grinned. Food for free? I'm there! I nodded and clapped my hands together like a child. "Now who's the one who needs to calm down?" Jay smirked, I shook my head and wrapped my arms around his neck, standing on my tiptoes so I could peck his lips lightly. "Nuh huh" Jay moaned as I pulled away, he kissed me back forcefully and I enjoyed every second of it. What can I say? I'm completely head over heels in love with a certain boyband member that goes by the name of Jay McGuiness.

*Charley's POV*

"Maaax" I whined, he was refusing to come and give me cuddles for some reason.


"Come give me a cuddle!" I moaned, he grinned cheekily and shook his head. "Max" I warned, he see the seriousness in my voice and gave in, marching over to the bed and climbing in next to me.

"Happy?" He chuckled, bringing me closer to him I ended up wrapped in both of his arms and my head resting on his chest. He would occasionally bend down and kiss my head is not he would start to play with my hair in a soothing manner. "Jay's taking us all out later" Max told me,

"Oh yeah. How comes?" I asked, it's not every day Jay volunteers to pay for ten people to eat dinner.

"I'm not sure, whatever it is, it must be pretty big"

"I reckon Loty's pregnant" I guessed.

"I think he's gonna propose" Max suggested,

"I guess we'll see who's right later" I teased, turning it into some sort of point scoring game.

"Game on" Max smirked, oh how I want to prove him wrong and wipe that smirk right off his face. The competition is all part of this relationship, it's just our way of showing affection really. Maybe not but it just livens our relationship up a bit, but honestly, I wouldn't change Max for the world.

*Charlotte's POV*

"Max said we're going out tonight" Tom told me, minding his own business. He'd been quiet for the last couple of days when were alone and I'm not entirely sure why but I guess I better find out.

"Tom, what's up?"


"You seem really quiet, like somethings bothering you"

"Oh, erm, it's nothing"

"It obviously is if you're being quiet!"

"No it's not!" By this time both Tom and I were beginning to get annoyed, me because he wouldn't tell me and him because I wouldn't leave him alone.

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