Part 11 - Dammit

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*Jay's POV*

Dammit! I've messed up again... I messed up before, I messed up the time before that and before that... you get the picture yet?

"Jaaaay, found her" Nathan shouted down the phone, Jade's eyes lit up,

"Where was she?" I asked,

"Only at the pool" I could see Jade roll her eyes from the corner of my eyes as I chuckled.

"So she wasn't that far?" I asked,

"Well, nah"

"Alright, is she on the way back up or?" I held my breath for this one, she may not want to see me again...

"Yeah, in a while, her and Sim are just getting a few drinks first"

"Okay, see ya soon mate" I smiled to myself.

"YEY!" Jade squealed, most probably bursting my eardrums... I squinted my eyes at her questioningly to which she shrugged at. I poked her side so she tugged on one of my curls. I squatted her hands away from my hair... wow, I'm getting as bad as Nathan....

"What?" Jade pouted. I pouted back quickly before ruffling up her hair and running for the door at which moment did Nathan walk in, I grabbed Nathan and used him as a bodyguard.

"Woah, woah, woah. What's going on here?"

*Nathan's POV*

"JAY MESSED UP MY HAIR" Jade shouted.

"YOU PULLED MY CURLS FIRST" Jay shouted from over my shoulder in response to Jade. You'd never think that Jay's older than me when he acts like this, I swear he has a mental age of a seven year old...

"ALRIGHT, alright" I shouted, to shut them both up considering they were both now talking over each other. Luckily it worked. "Stop pulling on each others hair. Jay go back to your room, Loty will be back soon"


"No buts, go" I said sternly, soon enough he turned his back on us and walked out,

"Yey" Jade squealed,

"JJ" I started, "I know you started it" I eyed her, she was such a bad liar, she wouldn't be able stop smiling because she knew the truth.


"Because you're a bad liar" I chuckled, poking JJ's nose and then jumping on the bed.

"Meh" Jade muttered before trugding to the bathroom... probably to sort out her hair...

*Sim's POV*

"Lets get back" I smiled, although Loty looked like that was the only place she didn't want to be right now.


"Yes Loty. You've got too, Jay obviously wanted to sort it out if he sent Nathan looking for you" I told her, she pondered on this thought for a second or two before nodding slowly. "Come on then" I smiled again, getting up and grabbing Loty's arm to help her up too. We made our way up to our floor,

"I don't want to go" Loty mumbled, looking down the corridor.

"You go, I take you or I get Jay to come and get you... then you will be trapped" I told her, they had to sort it out not only for them but for their unborn child.

"I'll go" she moaned, I stood at my door, making sure she didn't back out which she didn't before she disappeared into the room she turned to me and smiled briefly, waving as well.

"You're back" Siva chuckled, getting up and walking over to me,

"Well, I think it's me anyways" I teased, smiling up at him.

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