𝐈'𝐦 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 ~ (Susie x Bullied! Reader)

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Reader uses She/They pronouns!


All you could feel was hurt. Your eyes burned as tears streamed down your red, puffy face. Your body was slumped against the dark closet you had been shoved into. You felt numb and tired. Your eyes grew heavy as you slowly drifted off to an unwanted rest.

Susie's pov:

Alphys: E-everyone quiet for attendance... Berdly?





-Rrrright Here !!!!

Monster Kid?







-TeM.......HeRE TodAy!



Wait... I swear I walked in with her... And It's not like her of all people to be late to class.

"Hey! I know I saw (Y/n)."

Berdly: Then where are they? HMMMMM?


Alphys: C-calm down! I'll call t-the office and see if she's here.

*One quick phone call later...*

Alphys: Well, they're here... just n-not here.

"Can I go look for them then?"

Alphys: As long as you get me some e-extra chalk from the supply c-closet, I'm okay with it.

"Tch, fine. Be back in a bit..."

*after a while*

Where is she?!?! She's not by the lockers or in the bathroom... They're not in any other classes either... 


Wait... is that.....crying? And if so... where the hell is it coming from?...


The supply closet?

Your Pov:

You had just woken up... Pain struck through your body as you tried to get up. 'Bastard...'  you thought as the memories started to flood back.

*le flashback*

"Leave me alone Berdly!" You said, trying not to stutter. You hated the reason he was bullying you. You guys used to be best friends, but he changed ever since you and Susie started dating. Berdly turned into a cold, snarky, bitch that hated you and only you. You had become fed up with his relentless bullying, so you decided to stand up for yourself, not with fists, but with words.  You were not about to stoop down to his pathetic level.

Berdly: Hmmm? Trying to fight back huh? Well ok, you started this though. I'll make sure you regret this (Y/n).

"Wait! What do you think you're doing?!"

He shoved you down onto the floor and started to brawl. First, he punched your gut. Then while you were distracted, he went for your jaw. "FUCK! BERDLY STOP!!" He couldn't hear you, he was blinded with disgusting rage. "BER-AHH!" He had had enough of hearing your voice. He decided to throw you in the nearest closet. Your head hit the wall, the pain was unbearable. He slammed the door, shutting you in a cold, uncomfortable hell.

*flashback over ^_^*

Susie's  pov:

"Hey! Is anybody in here??" 

You: S-Susie?


'She looks horrible...Her arms are bruised......The same goes for her jaw. They have some dried blood running down their neck! I swear whoever did this is gonna pay!!'

"Fuck- (Y/n) what happened?!"

You: *hic* Berdly *hic* beat me u-up... I tried to stand up f-for myself...... *hic*... But obviously, i-it didn't w-work.

' Oh hell no! NOBODY hurts my partner. "

" I swear to God (Y/n) I'm gonna kick his fucking ass."

You: Haha... Please do

"Haha! Well...You look pretty bad... let's get you to the nurse's office. They'll get you patched up."

You: Ok... Could you help me get there?

"Heh... You got it (Y/n). By the way, let me know when things are getting bad between you and him. Ok? Know that I'll always have your back. You know I will gladly beat up a bitch any day heheh...... Now, let's go."

You: Thanks... It means a lot to me that I have you as a support.

"No need to thank me (Y/n) I'm here for you ok? I'm here."

Thank you so much for reading! I am SO SO SOOO sorry that this took so long to write!!! I've had testing, writer's block, unmotivation, and a lot of other stuff. For everybody that has requested, I PROMISE I'll get them out as soon as possible!!!!! With that said, thank you! Have a great day/night!! <3

(Oh and btw.....HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!!!!)

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