A strange talk

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I'm just trying to study so why
Why god??

Why did you have to do this to me!!

Making Kyle meet me

Usually we're not even paying attention to each other so why! Why did this pervert followed me to the class like a scammer

And went to sit where I sat!!!
I never said I wanted that and there's so much place but you decided to sit right beside me!

Fuck you!

And all the people who usually follow you ,of course, were wondering what was going on so they asked you but you just decided to ignore them still with a scammer face on your face!!!

Wth happening?
Why doing this to me?

When I'm trying to get far away from you, you just approach as if it was completely okay.

And now people are just getting more and more confused

If I could I would have punched your face right now

And fuck- when is the class ending?? I can't understand, I'm perturbed by that pervert and
Everyone is just glancing in that direction

What's more is that each time I'm doing something Kyle's doing something too

He's getting on my nerve on a level I didn't even knew existed

He's glancing at me... always and when I'm trying to concentrate on the class he let out little sentence only I can hear

'Wow never knew you were actually takin g notes. Always thought you were just faking it'
Or just things to make me embarrassed

He seemed like really enjoying it

Fuck- because of him, I didn't even understand fully the works we have to do for the next class

After a while the class finally ended but I was really mad

I was so pissed off that I didn't even bothered looking at anyone and even less at that fucker's face who seemed to giggle when seeing my expressions

I picked my things roughly and just left in a hurry, so pissed off that people would get at least 3 meter away from me

"Oh- hey Mik-" Elise was about to welcome me but when she saw my mood she looked like she saw a ghost and became pale before removing herself from my way

Good choice, I wouldn't have wanted to let my anger out off her

So I just went by not bothering looking at her

I just went to the library, I didn't want to think more about that bastard than necessary

I let out my notes and started working on


I watched the time on my watch.
It was time for my next class... a three hours class.
At least. I won't have to see that face.

I tidied up my things and went outside the library.
I headed to the class, still remembering what happened this morning and getting pissed off

Fucking shitty morning come with a fucking shitty mood of course

OF COURSE! I had to forgot my pencil case at the library!!
Aahhhhhhhh!! I hate my day

I just laid my head on the table. I'm not sure if I want to kill myself or just kill all others

Hearing my name being called shyly, I got pissed off
Who the hell would think it's a good idea to disturb me in that mood? They must have a dead wish

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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