Let me down!

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At least this time I didn't throw up
I just went into one of the cabin to relax, leaning on the sides of the cabin to not fall.
It might sound pitiful but inside a cabin was the best place to rest. Nobody would notice me here and nobody could see me
So I always chose this place to relax the time I come back to my senses
Well.. as long as I didn't forget to close the door...

I stay there for a good 15 min before coming out
I hate it

Someone was there in the bathroom but when he saw me he rushed to leave so I was alone now
I was washing my hand when I heard Luc voice from behind

"What was that earlier?" He asked me with a slight reproach in his voice
Ah fuck

"Wh-what are you talking about?" I lift me head to see Luc's reflection on the mirror just behind me
Gosh he was attractive even with an angry face

"You know you're really cute with that annoyed face ?" I told him and close the water from running
He sighed

"Thanks but don't change the subject. I saw the scene you caused earlier, I think a lot of person will see that too, cause there's a video of the drama circulating right now"
I smirked
"Really? Then that's good" I dried my hand on my shirt and turned to look at him.

His face told me he didn't understand at all, he was judging me for my actions
I sighed
"It's for my reputation, I don't want to deal with other bitch like this one in the future, so at least if that video pass, everyone will know to not be my 'girlfriend' anyway, that girl, Elise, she's someone I know, it was a problem I could fix and everyone would only think I did this to annoy my ex" he watched me with an even more judgmental face

"Yep, yep you can tell me everything you want but it still don't change the fact that you were clearly trembling
I bugged
"...really?" Was it really clear?
"Ok maybe not that much, but knowing your habits, it wasn't really hard to notice it" I sighed
"Don't make me scared like that again, you know very well in what circumstances I am" he looked at me with doubt
"Nope I don't know you that well, I saw you acting completely differently than what I heard and I know you're crazy enough to let yourself throw up just to stay with your shitty reputation. And, I won't lie, it just really fuck me up cause I can only judge you when I hear your nonsense "

"Yeah yeah ok, I understand form your point of view it seems absurd but I'm really just despaired."
"Despaired to make your life the shittiest possible? Or are you just a masochist in lack of it??" ...
"N-no that's not that-"
"You can do what you want in your life, and it's not like I know you really well but still, what you're doing is just absurd!"
I turned my head on the side while biting my lower lip

"Yes I know that too"

He looked at me and just placed his hand on top of my head
"Sorry, I shouldn't have done that" and he left me there

Fuck. I don't like that


I had still a lot of time before my classe start, I didn't know what to do really
And after the thing that happened at the bathroom, I didn't really have the mood to do anything

So I just walked and walked

While walking, a group of guy came by while fixing me with judgment
Look like the video did went fast on bringing the new to everyone, maybe my plans were shit but it worked nonetheless

Oh- it seems someone I know is in that group

A guy, I 'flirted' with him quite a lot of time, each time his face was so funny,
He was often picking fight with me for nothing so each time I used that method and each time it worked really well
At one point I was asking myself if he was picking fight because he knew I would flirt with him

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