What are we?

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Your at a club trying to get over your dumb ex boyfriend that cheated on you with your ex best friend so you swig a few drinks down and when your done with your 5th drink you slam the glass down asking for another while putting your head down the bartender then looks at you and says "don't you think you've had too much to drink? Come on sober up you look like a hot mess" he said as he finished shaking another guys drink "I'm paying you well now here's $20 get me 2 more shots" you say smiling and looking up knowing that he couldn't reject because you gave him that huge tip and that he liked you
He just looks at you in annoyance "yaaa... no. I may need the money but we have to get you home first" he says as he yells out that he's done with his shift putting his notebook where he would take drink orders and his rag down in his locker under the table he then walks over to the wood opening and walks out and picks you up "woah woah heyyy~ I can still walkkk~" you say as your trying to get away from him
"Tch whatever come on let's go" he said as he walks you out of the club and gets into his car "we're going to my place so buckle up" he said as he adjusted the review mirror you both make eye contact and hold it for a bit an awkward car drive later you got to his house and surprisingly he was pretty rich
He got out the car and opened your door to let you out you still weren't to sober but you knew where you were because you've been there to many times because you'd usually get drunk and your boyfriend would usually forget you were at the club you got up and rubbed your eyes "I see you've sobered up a bit come on let's go inside" he said as he closed the car door and locked it
He showed you to the bathroom and as a gentleman he waited outside in case you needed anything you stayed in there for a good few minutes trying to rub off your makeup and fix your hair while he was taking off his vest and loosing his tie as you then swung the door open "I'm finish— woah... you've got a great body l... and your just a bartender right?" You say as you lean against the door frame you heard him chuckle and turn around "mind you I do go to the gym anyways what do you need?" He says as he turns to look at you but you were inching closer and closer to him until he fell back on the bed "I just need a distraction for a bit... wanna exercise with me?" You say as you got on top of him as he just looks at you up and down and smirks "if I'm just  your distraction then no thanks"
You then chuckle knowing he loves what's going on "fine then but for someone who has a big crush on me as it were high school all over again your missing a big chance" you wink but as soon as you try to get up he pulls you back down and whispers in your ear "I won't finish til I'm satisfied" as his breath hits your ear you knew he was serious
You wake up god knows where as the light hits your face you snuggle back into the covers as grumpy as ever until you heard someone speaking on the phone not being able to hear the conversation clearly you just threw off the covers and tried to get up but falling to the ground *thump* "darling are you ok in there?" You hear as you then pick yourself up only seeing him the bartender there with only a towel around his waist with damp hair it had all hit you... you slept with the bartender... "could you help me out here I can't walk..." you say embarrassed and ashamed "oh~? Someone seems flustered~ whatever happened to the cockiness from last night hm?" He said as he walked to you towering over you as he bent down to you on the floor
"Oh whatever I'll have you know that I'm still that same old person now help me out" you said as you put your arm around his neck  "fine when your done in the shower just come to the kitchen" he said as he picked you up but you flinched because feeling his skin against yours as you were sober felt so wrong but so right but you didn't put to much thought into it  "alright there I'll go make breakfast so I hope you like pancakes" he said as he places you down in steamy hot shower
As you let out a sigh you thought about your feelings about him... you don't know if it's a one nightstand type of thing or friends with benefits I mean sure he likes you... but do you like him? Or was he really just your distraction? All these questions overwhelmed you so you huddled up into a ball letting the hot water touch your skin as you just try to clear your mind
~Minutes later~
as you dryed up you rummage through his clothes trying to find something to wear maybe just a big tshirt and some basketball shorts or even sweatpants just anything to keep you from going out to face him with no clothes again as you finish up you hear him call out for you to hurry up and that food has been done for 3 minutes  you then rush down stairs to see him wearing his bartender vest as he's shaking drinks "I'm just experimenting don't get to hyped anyways sit and eat I've made you some coffee so feel free to drink it" you then just look at him shake the drink it's as if everything was in slow motion... he was very attractive.. it's rather the white rich looking kitchen made him look hotter or it's genuinely him he then makes eye contact with you  "hey you ok? You've been standing there for 2 minutes your food will get cold" he said as he then walks towards you and pulls out a chair for you "sit." He said as he points to the chair but you didn't wanna listen but you sat anyways
"Good girl" he said as he patted your head and went to go pour out the drink out of his mixer he then tries a new drink and does some tricks here and there and even took a few swigs of his own random creations to just look at him and seeing him do what he does best  is just special somehow all you knew is that it's more special then in the club when he's doing it for others but this time he's doing it for you and himself "hey so.. what are we exactly?" You ask putting your utensils down on your plate looking at him as he stops shaking his mixer he just looks at you and pours tequila into a cup and pours salt on your hand as he licks it off and takes the swing of  tequila "ugh..I can't believe I'm a bartender without limes... anyways what?" He says looking at you as you just roll your eyes "what are we" you say repeating yourself "that's up to you but taking from the fact that your still here tells me that you like it here" he says as he throws you a rag to wipe the place where he licked you
"Right... well the whole day is ahead of us why spend it sober" you said as he chuckles and starts making you a drink... you've now accompanied yourself to a personal bartender willing to do anything with or for you and you smirked at that fact

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