My baby❤️💕💋
Hey. You guys okay? Having fun?

She didn't reply immediately so I assumed she was busy which was Great because that means she wasn't on her way home so I texted Evans to say I'm ready for him and then he called.

(in the call. L=lizzie E=Evans)

E= hey Liz. So I got everything
... = no be honest, I got everything you were standing there confused
E= oh heyy Colin. What did y'all get let me see! Let me see!
(shows lizzie the bottom sections decorations and the table full of presents already )

E=omg I'm going to cry its soo beautiful. I don't know what to say. Thank you guys.

C= you think she's going to love it?
E= I know she will.
E= don't worry we got the food and drinks and games in the yard. Scarlett said I can't have a zoo in your yard.

E= Scarlett contributed?
C= not exactly Evans was like I think I should have a zoo going on and she was like NO.Thats all.
E=oh.. Okay. Thank you for taking care of everything guys. I love you both I'll see you tomorrow got to go Byeee.

I hung up the call. After like an hour of talking (a/N we assume so. I didn't want to put too many details. K bye )

I decided to take a shower. When I was busy with my skin care I heard the front door open.
she yelled from the door.i panicked and what I said next I blame on evans

oh wow. Amelia Olsen. That sounds SOOO CUTEEEE.

Amelia pov
So I got ready to go to the mall. Lizzie was still seated in the kitchen. Wow she's really a busy woman. I headed out and to my surprise Crystal was heading towards jades house to.

" Yo. Think about this. The youngest picture of you is also the oldest picture of you "why'd she say it so calmly. What the hell. Does she not hear herself but then again that's exactly like I know her. As we walked up jades drive way... Jade came walking out.

"oh. Heyy. You joining us in the park as well? " ohhh that's whyy. They going to the park.

"no. Actually. My mom gave me a ton of cash so I was thinking we could go spoil ourselves. R5010 ON OUR NAMES BITCHES!! "

"5010?thats such an odd number " crystal laughed. Look at the weirdo laughing at me for my odd number. Lol.

We headed to the mall

"I think I'm going to get lizzie something you know.. Like something cute. "

"oohhh I saw this cute heart necklaces. The one goes inside the other. Together it's complete. " jade said. And honestly I love it so we headed that way so we got that and her a mood ring. The lady also gave us the option to put a picture in the ruby in another necklace.

The ones you look through and then you see the picture. So I got that. They said it'll be ready in 2 hours. So we headed to the other shops.
We got matching jackets that we decided we going to dazzle up ourselves like girls trip just alot less sparkle. But you get the idea.
I also got lizzie and I matching pajamas and snuggles. That's when I got a text from her.

Hey. You guys okay? Having fun?

I didn't reply because we were walking in the mall and I didn't want to get robbed.
I bought shoes and alot of winter stuff for New York.
After we got lunch almost supper one could say. We headed back to the jewelry store to fetch the necklace and OMG. I fell inlove it's sooo cuteee.

Thereafter I texted lizzie that we safe and on our way home. I also asked if the girls could sleep over. She didn't read it so I assumed she was still busy with work.

my Missing PieceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant