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I fear the unknown

You fear being alone

I can feel things others don't

You don't understand me

I tried to tell you about it

You blocked me out

You've buried yourself so deep

Where none can reach

Then there's the leech

It haunts your footsteps

It feeds on your emotions

Before I had been untouched

This being couldn't influence me

Now it has tried

This thing hates me

It has showed me

Images when I wake

A mutated creature

Ready to attack if I move

I froze in fear

Certain it would attack

Growls echoing around me

The image faded

But the presence stayed

It was then I realized

This was what I had felt

All those years of being watched from a far

Now it's in my face

Now I understand

This dark creature

It has been with you my whole life

It has watched and waited

Now it can show me

But I can block it out

Just as you did me

I protect myself from it

Knowing I can't protect you from it

Even when it should be you protecting me

I'm the child, the teenager

You're the adult

But it's as if I'm the adult

You act like a child, a teenager

And the leech loves it

The leech feeds off your jealousy and selfishness

Your childishness

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