"Privacy seals and of such high level with only hand seals; you are a true Uzumaki indeed." She said happily as Naruto turned his full gaze at her and Temari grew uncomfortable at the situation that was unfolding.

"Who told you?" he said in a tone that meant business and Temari turned to Chiyo who had her usual smile on her face and motioned for Naruto to sit down and he did so hesitantly beside Temari who was looking at him with worried eyes.

"Naruto what's going on?" she asked in a soft and worried tone and he sighed and sat down beside her wrapping an arm around her shoulder bringing her close as she leaned in and put her head on his shoulder and he sighed knowing he had to tell her now though he wanted to wait a few days to tell her.

"Is it right to tell her Naruto-kun?" Chiyo asked and Naruto glanced sharply at her and she flinched back.

"Do not wish to tell me who I could and could not trust. It is my secret to tell and I do not mean any disrespect but it is my decision." He said calmly and she nodded with a smile.

"Temari she's talking about my parents. She knew them." He said and she turned to him with curious eyes.

"You never told me about them after that night I asked about that letter." She said and he nodded with a smile.

"But how does she know them and who are they?" she asked and he turned a glance to the smiling Chiyo.

"That I wish to know as well." He said and her smile dropped as she spoke up.

"I met them during the ending of the third great shinobi war. They were great people, the only ones I respected from the leaf after the events of the Second great shinobi war. Your mother was a great person Naruto-kun and a good friend of mine. She had the fiery red Uzumaki hair and the temper to go with it that only your father could handle. Your father though I didn't know him closely was one of the most honourable people I met and I respected him a lot. Both were the last of their clans and when I heard the name Uzumaki and that you were in the village I had to meet their son. Not many remember their clans since they were almost extinct after the Second Great Shinobi War." she said fondly and Naruto smiled as Temari put a hand on his cheek turning his face towards her.

"Naruto who were they?" she asked softly and Naruto put a hand over hers and sighed.

"Their names were Kushina Uzumaki the princess of the Uzumaki clan and the heiress to Uzushiogakure. My father he wa-s.." he choked a bit as she rubbed his cheek and looked at him warmly.

"Who was he Naruto?" she asked and a tear dropped from his eye.

"Minato Namikaze." He whispered and she thought for a bit. She had heard that name before but where? Then realization came across her face and her eyes widened.

"The Yellow Flash; The Yondaime Hokage Minato Namikaze?" she asked in disbelief and he nodded

" Then he…he" she said solemnly and he nodded as tears streamed down his eyes and she hugged him bringing his to her chest.

"Oh I'm so sorry Naruto." She whispered running her fingers through his hair as he sobbed in chest and she put her chin on his head cooing him.

"I'm sorry Naruto-kun I didn't want to bring back bad memories; I just came to see her son." Chiyo said in an apologetic voice and he shook his head wiping his eyes.

"Don't be I'm glad that I met someone who knew them personally, if you don't mind can you tell me something about them?" he asked hopefully and she nodded with a smile.

"Of course Naruto-kun today I have a council meeting unfortunately but hopefully tomorrow you can come to my house? Temari-hime knows where it is." She said and he nodded gratefully.

Desert Flower - [Rewrite]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora