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“Scene 47.” Victor said. We were able to raise enough money to start production again. Everyone surprisingly pulled their weight and the goal was achieved. I guess my idea wasn’t stupid.

This scene was… interesting to say the least. I was meant to fall and land on top of Marshall. An awkward feeling ran through me. Marsh and I haven’t discussed our “relationship”. He kissed me and he invited me to live with him. The tension was more prevalent when he put an apron on me and I felt his breath fan my neck.

“Aaaaaaaaaanddd, action!” 

“Hello, good sir. How would you like to have your coffee.” My character spoke to Marsh’s.

“Nathaniel, you already know.” Marsh’s character said while standing in front of me.

“Of course, sir. Black.” I said. I went to walk past him.

This was when we fell.

I tripped and fell when I was close to Marsh. I fell on top of him while he was underneath. 

“My apologies, sir.” My character said. We had to keep this position for a while. 

At that time, I stared at Marsh and he stared at me. His eyes were so blue. It reminded me of a beautiful fabric that an old woman used to wear back in Mexico. And it also reminded me of my Mama’s blue blouse she wore on Sunday’s.

“CUT!” The director said. I got off Marshall, feeling his warmth fade from me.

“Are you okay?” Marsh asked me. 

“Definitely.” I said. 

“Tell me about your life.” Marsh asked when we were home. We had just finished eating and were laying on his sofa. 

“Well, I was born in Mexico.” I started off.

“Was it nice?” He asked.

“It was. The beaches were warm. The plazas where I used to hang out were always festive.” I said while looking at the ceiling remembering those days.

“But…” Marshall said.

“There was violence. It got really bad and so I came here.” I said.

“What about your parents?” He asked. I felt my motor functions stop. 

“Dead.” I said. I was silent for a while. I turned and saw Marsh looking at me with wide eyes.

“I’m sorry. If you don’t mind me asking…” He led on.

“No, it's fine. They were killed. I was 16 and we came home from a primo’s party. Two men came up to them and demanded our stuff. Mama and Papa stepped in front to protect me. They gave everything except this.” I pulled out a necklace I was wearing. 

“It belonged to my Mama. She refused to give it up. They…” I said but breathed in heavily. Just the thought of that night still brings me memories. “They shot them. In front of me. They ran off and I sat next to them. They made me promise that I would always do what I loved. And never to let someone try to tell me I’m an inutil.

“Mama gave me the necklace and promised I would pass it on to my children. I promised and my dad swore that I will always be a gentleman, even when the world treats me horribly. They died, and I was alone.” I finished.

Marshall had tears in his eyes and touched my face.

“I’m sorry that happened to you. No kid should ever witness that.” He said. I sobbed and leaned into his warm hand.

“It’s fine. They never caught the men. One day, I walked into my house and saw everything destroyed. That’s when I knew it was time to leave.” 

“And so you came here.” He said.


“I’m glad you’re here.” He added. Emotions flooded my body. I felt warm.

“You speak English so amazing. Who taught you?” He asked.

“My Mama. She always knew that I would move to the US. So she bought English books and taught me at a young age. And my dad would make me translate his mail.” I said.

“They really cared for you.” He said.

“They did. Tell me about your family.” I said.

“Oh, there’s not much. I have a mom. A younger brother. And my father left my mom when he went to war. He died in combat.” He said.

“I’m sorry.” I said.

“Ehh. I never really met the guy. My mom was distraught but she continues to live in South Dakota. My younger brother went to Yale. He was always the smartest out of the two of us. I decided to go to war and was in Europe for a few months. When I came back, I saw my girlfriend cheating on me with another man.” I don’t know why, but I felt anger at whoever this girl was. How dare she cheat on such an amazing man!

“I decided to come here. I've always wanted to become an actor. I hopped on a train and came here. Found an acting job. Took it. And now I’m here.” He finished. 

“And now we’re both starring in a movie together.” I said. Marsh looked at me and smiled.

We continued talking for a while after that. It was just me and Marshall on the sofa talking and laughing. Once bedtime came, we went our separate ways.

I slept that night as the laughter of Marshall echoed in my head. A comfort sound. His bright blue eyes pierced into mines. His black hair shiny. His smile. Oh his smile. No doubt he’s movie star quality. That smile can make anyone fall for him.

And I fell for him.


i went to go watch the new dr. strange movie instead of being at prom.

bye! i love you all!

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