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Enrique's POV

That's it. I'm officially over it. I can't stand being in this country any God damn longer. I just got home from working a long shift at a crappy bar. I want nothing more than to lie down and have a break. Only I come home to my home in shambles. Everything is overturned and destroyed. My television is cracked, paintings smashed, and fine dining destroyed. Everything is ruined.

I have to get out of here.

I packed my bags immediately. I only took what was actually valuable, such as money, jewelry, and some memories. They wanted a better life for me. Well, sorry Mama and Papa, but Mexico won't give me that life. They've been gone for years at this point.

I just hope this isn't a decision I'll live to regret.

As I was walking down the street, I saw a movie poster. 'The Prince of Alamo'. I paused my movement and read the leading actor. Gene Howard. A white man. Playing a Hispanic man. Why couldn't they use an actual Hispanic?

I could do that. I could go in front of a screen and act. When I was little, Mama would always say that I could act. I was able to go from crying to happiness in a second. It was a talent I was born with. And now it was my time to use it.

I went to the train station and bought a one-way ticket to the place I know where dreams come true.

Los Angeles, California.

And in the City of Angels, I plan on finding an acting job. And securing my legacy in history as a cinema pioneer.

Marshall's POV

Hopping off the bus, I was thankful to be back on not only American soil, but the soil of the town I grew up in. The same town that raised me and transformed me into the army general I am today. Time in the war was rough. But here I was. Standing here ready to return to her.

My dear Casey.

My darling whom I left a few months ago while I went away. I entrusted her to look after the house. I didn't have to worry about her being unloyal. We've been together for five years. Since junior year in high school.

And today I plan on marrying her.

I wanted to surprise her. I bought her favorite flowers. Pink magnolias. I had the ring of my mother in my pocket that I took with me to Europe. Everytime I felt down, I would look at the ring and be reminded of the beauty that was waiting for me.

Walking through town. I received nods and respectful bows from citizens who awed at my uniform. This uniform wasn't just any uniform. It was a universal sign of respect.

I reached my beloved home. Casey doesn't know that I'm returning home. I wanted to surprise her. I opened the door slowly and entered. I noticed that the house was a bit different. The furniture was changed to have a more colorful taste. But the thing that caught my attention was on the floor.

A man's shoe.

I picked it up and inspected it. It wasn't mine. The foot size was too small. I examined the floor closer and saw more articles of clothing scattering the floor. Socks, shirts, and undergarments.

What the hell?

I reached the door. The bedroom door. And I heard grunting. I braced myself. I think I already knew what was going on. What my Casey was doing. But I wanted to believe it was a lie and that my mind was just exaggerating. And then I opened the door.

There was my Casey, naked, underneath a random man.

"Casey?" I said, clutching the magnolias tighter. My heart was broken at the sight of Casey being pleased by another man. The two stopped their movements. Casey's eyes widened as she looked towards my direction. Her face looked like she'd just been caught doing something horrible. Because she was.

"Marsh?" She said. The man on top of her turned his head and looked at me. He looked scared. He should be.

I approached the man and grabbed his arms and pinned him on the floor. I didn't care if he was naked. I dragged the man by his arms and led him to the front door. I picked up some of his clothes along the way. Opening the door, I threw the man out and threw his clothes at him. Then I slammed the door shut.

I continued to face the door, refusing to turn around and see her. My breath was shaky. Movement behind be confirmed that Casey was standing there.

"Marsh? I'm so sorry. Please turn around." Her voice was pinged with guilt. I didn't want to look at her. She violated the trust that I had entrusted her with.

"Why?" Is all I said. I didn't want her to come up with an excuse. I need the truth.

"I-I didn't know you were coming so soon." She said. I continued to face away from her.

"Why did you cheat on me?" I said in a more stubborn voice.

"I was getting lonely." She said.

"So you fucked another man?!" I said loudly.

"I'm sorry, baby." She said. She touched my arm, meaning she was behind me.

"DON'T CALL ME BABY!" I said, turning around swiftly and pulling my arm away from her. I stared at her face. She had regret. Good. She should feel regret. A tear rolled down my face. I wanted to break down but I couldn't. She betrayed me so she doesn't deserve to see me vulnerable.

"I'm so sorry." Casey said while looking down.

Rather than say anything, I walked past her to the room. Not our room. It's just a room now. I entered and began packing my clothes. I took as much as I could into two leather bags. I took my mother's jewelry. Any valuable items I'd gifted Casey. And my important documents.

"W-Where are you going?" Casey asked, poking her head shyly into the room.

"Away." Is all I said.

"Please. Marsh-"

"Don't call me that!"

"Marshall. Please stay. We can work this out." She pleaded.

I walked past her, stepping on the pink magnolias on my way out the room. I carried both bags on each arm and got closer to the front door. I stopped at the entrance and turned around to face her one last time.

"While I was away, I wanted nothing more than to come home and see you. Kiss you. Marry you!" I took out the large ring showing it to her. "Instead you decide to become a whore and sleep with another man!" Tears rolled down her face. But I no longer cared.

"By the way, I'll be giving ownership of this house to my brother. I suggest you move out in a few days." The look on her face was amazing. And with that, I turned around and left the house for good.

I called my mother and brother informing them about Casey's sins. I also told my brother that I was giving the house over to him and if Casey is still there, to show no mercy and remove her.

"So, Marshall, where will you be going?" My mom asked while I used the payphone. I also began to question where I truly want to go. It's a small town here. And South Dakota is only so large. But I couldn't remain in this place. I had to leave far away.

I looked around and saw a movie poster for a new motion picture playing at the cinema. A young man was kissing a woman on the poster. I think I knew what I wanted to do.

"I'll let you know soon, mother." I said.

"Okay Marsh. I love you." My mother's sweet voice said.

"I love you too." And I hung up. I reached the train station and went up to buy my ticket.

"And where would you like to head, sir?" The operator said. I had forgotten that I still had on my uniform. No matter that.

It was time for me to leave this town for good. Since I was young, I've always had dreams. But those dreams were pushed back by my inability to blossom and expand who I was. Coming back here to see that life will continue to move on without me made me see that it was time I took control. The time is now and there will never be another opportunity.

It was time for me to achieve a dream that laid dormant in the back of my head.

"One ticket to Los Angeles."


first chapter bitches! so excited to show y'all this story. i think you'll like it.

bye! i love you all!

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