'Can we just watch tv today im tired'

I nodded and kissed her head . She leaned over to get the remote and started going threw all the channels before stopping on Cartoon Network and got comfortable on my lap. I leaned back against the headboard and held onto her tightly and brought the blanket up to cover both of us . I felt her snuggle closer to me and she scooted down to lay her head against my chest and I gave her her blankie and watched her hold it in her fist and rub it against her nose with a smile on my face . I kissed the top of her head and laid my cheek there and felt her squirming around when I held her too tight . I loosened my grip on her slightly and watched the amazing world of gumball even though I don't understand the show

'How are the blue cat thing and a fish brothers ? Don't cats want to eat fish ? And then the bunny things their sister ? This makes no sense Lavender'

I heard her giggle slightly and she looked up at me smiling

'First of all its a kids show so it doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense and second of all it makes perfect sense. The mom is a blue cat looking thing that's why gumball is a blue cat thing . Darwin was the pet at first but then he grew legs and stuff that's why he's a fish and Anise is a bunny cause the dad is a bunny . Makes sense .'

That made absolutely no sense but Lav looked so adorable explaining it to me so I'm just gonna pretend like I now understand . I nodded and pushed her head to lay back down on my chest and she continued watching tv while I argued with myself in my head about how weird this show is . I'd rather watch her murder shows

'Lav baby why don't we watch one of your weird shows about killing people ?'

I would really rather watch that

'You wanna watch my murder shows even though you bitch every time you see me watching them ?'


She looked at me for a while but nodded and reached her arm out of the blanket to get the remote . She put on Snapped and snuggled under the blanket again with a small smile on her face . I rested my chin on her head and watched the show . It's pretty interesting actually . We stayed cuddled up in bed for hours and the only time Lav moved from under the blanket was to get a cigarette but once she had it lit she went back into my arms . Once I realized it was already dark outside I stretched and took Lav's third cigarette out of her mouth and brought it to my lips to take a small drag and put it out on the table next to the bed

'You know darling you really shouldn't smoke cigarettes they're not good for you'

She looked up at me with wide eyes and started laughing loudly

'Coming from YOU ? That's like Cheech and Chong telling someone to not smoke weed'

'But I'm an adult my darling'

'So am I lady'

I forget she's an adult sometimes .

'But I'm older than you . Anyways it's getting late and you need to eat . What do you want to go get'

She thought about it for a moment and sat up in bed stretching

'I want pizza . Can Derick come with us ?'

I smiled and nodded . She leaned up to kiss my cheek and jumped off my lap and ran off to the bathroom . I stretched my legs and turned on the lamp on the bedside table so I could see without falling to the ground . I texted Derick telling him to come to our room and that we were going to get food and started getting dressed . Lavender came out of the bathroom and changed too and sat down on the bed when she was done . I sat down next to her and pulled her back onto my lap and looked at what she was doing on her phone . She was texting Wilhemina. I squinted so i could see what they were talking about . Wilhemina asked Lavender how her day was and she told Wilhemina that we had stayed in bed watching tv all day and we're going to get pizza now . I think Lav could tell that I was reading her texts over her shoulder because she stopped typing mid sentence and turned off her phone . She looked up at me with a small smirk and set her phone on her lap so she could wrap both her arms around my neck . I wrapped one arm around her waist and brought my other hand up to cradle her head . I kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back softly while slowly rocking her . She laid her head on my shoulder and I could feel her smiling on my neck . I held her head there and rested my cheek on her head and closed my eyes . Doing nothing all day made me tired . We stayed like that until there was three loud knocks on the door and Lav jumped slightly on my lap . I rubbed her back and told her it was probably just Derick and tried to move her off my lap but she only clung onto me tighter . I wrapped both arms around her and stood up holding her and got both our purses and turned off the light before going to the door . Derick was leaning on the wall next to the door and when he saw us he reached out for Lav so I passed her into his arms while I locked the door . We talked as we walked over to the elevator but when we got in Lav started whining and pushing against Derick to get down . He set her down and she took her purse from me and wrapped her arms around my waist resting her head against my chest . I rubbed her back as Derick and I continued to talk as we walked outside and waited for my driver to come pick us up . As we waited Lav let go of me to go through her purse and pulled out a cigarette placing it between her lips and lighting it . I looked down at her and raised an eyebrow but she only took a long drag and looked at the cigarette for a moment before passing it to me with a questioning face . Of course I took it . I couldn't resist . I took and quick drag and passed it back to her before she could say anything . Derick and I talked while Lav and I passed the cigarette back and forth until it was done and at the same time my driver pulled up in front of the hotel . We all got in the backseat and Lav laid her head on my shoulder during the drive to find a pizza place that was open . Eventually we found a place and we got out of the car and Lav held onto me probably because she was cold . We went inside the pizza place and it was empty since it was almost 10 pm . We got a plain cheese pizza and waited for it to be made but after only a few minutes of standing there Lav started whining and reached up to be carried . I picked her up placing her on my hip and she hid her face in my neck . I figured she was probably getting tired so I slowly swayed side to side holding her and Derick and I talked quietly about how the week was . Derick said Lav stayed in her headspace most of the time and was well behaved . I told him all the gossip about the set and how I already couldn't stand certain people . Lavender would occasionally lift her head up to look around but wouldn't say anything and would just lay her head back on my shoulder . After a while I felt her lightly sucking my shoulder and she rested her hand on my collarbone feeling my skin . I pulled out a small pacifier from my purse and pulled her mouth away from my shoulder to slip the pacifier in between her lips . She began suckling the pacifier and laid her head back on my shoulder . I rubbed her back and swayed with her until the pizza was ready and Derick carried it out to the car since Lavender wouldn't let me put her down . We got in and I laid Lav down on my lap so she could be comfortable for the drive back to the hotel . I wanted to keep her awake so she could eat something before going to sleep so I forced her to sit up . She whined and lightly hit my shoulders but I bounced her on my lap to calm her down and told her not to hit me . She stopped and looking down at her lap sleepily

'I know you want to go sleepys baby but you have to stay awake so you can eat some pizza doesn't that sound good'

She whined and shook her head . I chuckled and kissed her temple and continued bouncing her on my lap to keep her up . By time we got to the hotel she was crying and could barley keep her eyes open . I felt bad about making her stay awake when she was clearly very tired but she has to have something in her stomach before she goes to sleep . I tried explaining that to her but every time I would she would just look at me as if she didn't understand what I was saying and would start crying when she would get that I wasn't going to let her go to sleep . When we got to the hotel we got out of the car and into the hotel as fast as we could . In the elevator Lavender was still wailing and started asking for a bottle . We got into our room quickly and sat down on the other bed with the pizza box . I sat Lavender on my lap and started feeding her a slice of pizza and she thankfully ate it and stopped crying . We all ate quietly and Derick turned on the tv so there would be something playing in the background . When Lav finished her pizza she pointed at the box looking at me

'What do you want baby use your words please'

She grunted and huffed but took a deep breath

'Mo'e pease mama'

I smiled at her and got her another slice . After she ate that she laid her head on my chest and looked up at me for a second before closing her eyes and snuggling close to me . After Derick ate he said goodbye and gave us both a kiss on the forehead and left the room . I put the pizza box on the table to deal with tomorrow and changed Lav and I into our pajamas. Once we were changed I took us into the bathroom to brush our teeth and braided her hair to keep it out of her face while she slept . When we were all already for bed I picked her up again and made Lavender a bottle and went to the bed. I turned off the light and put on Rugrats on tv for her to watch as she fell asleep . I laid her on my lap and laid her blankie and a small stuffed animal on her chest . She held onto her blankie and rubbed it against the tip of her nose and held the stuffed animal under her arm securely while looking up at me . I rubbed the rubber nipple of the bottle against her lips until she opened her mouth to begin steadily eating. I rocked her gently and fed her the bottle as she turned her head to watch tv . She giggled when one of the babies on the show did something she thought was funny and a small amount of milk dripped down her chin but it was enough for her to look over at me with a worried expression and pushed the bottle out of her mouth . She tried to clean off her chin but couldn't and started whimpering when she felt the milk still there . I shushed and and cleaned her off and continued feeding her but this time instead of looking at the tv she kept eye contact with me as she finished her bottle . Once she was done she could barley keep her eyes open so I quickly placed her over my shoulder to burp her and laid her back down on the bed while I got up to get a diaper for her to sleep in . I changed her quickly and laid her under the blanket and pushed her pacifier in her mouth . She held onto her blankie and stuffed animal tightly and watched me get under the covers next to her and laid her head on my chest when I was fully laying down . I let her watch tv for a little longer and felt her tugging my shirt up and she spat out her pacifier . I sat up to take off my shirt and laid back down and guided her head to my chest until she latched onto my breast and began suckling slowly . We watched tv for while until she turned onto her side facing me and pressed her nose against my chest as she continued suckling my nipple to tell me she was ready to go to sleep . I turned off the tv and also turned onto my side so we would be facing each other and cradled her head in my hand keeping her close to my chest . I kissed the top of her head and rubbed my nose there until she looked up at me . I cupped her face and kissed the tip of her nose gently

'Goodnight Lavender . Mama loves you so so much my darling'

She smiled and unlatched from my breast to kiss my chest before reattaching herself onto my breast to continue suckling and closed her eyes . I held her head and kissed her forehead repeatedly until we both fell asleep .

A/n    Hi ik long time no see . And sry that I'm coming back w this shit chapter but I wanted to put something up and this is it . Sorry

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