"Zach move faster." He moved faster but kept to an even pace. I moaned and wanted more. "Faster." He moved faster. Tucking my knees up I press into him making him raise up on his knees.

"Damn it Zach, fuck me hard." He gives a breathy laugh and grips my hips tight. He pounds fast and hard. I'm finally climbing that peak fast. "Yes... yes... yes." I moan and grunt as he pounds into me. "Fuck me." I say as I cum hard. He grunts and bends over my back as he adjusts his knees and moves even faster.

"Angel, my angel." He says as his body locks and he cums inside of me. As he calms I laugh.

"It's good I'm already pregnant that huge load won't matter now." He chuckles and pulls from me. I wait till he's laid to the side then crawl over him and lay.

"Yeah. There's my good bed. Now I can sleep." he laughs and flips a blanket over me.

For our Sunday we put the rest of my things away with his then he cons me into looking at baby things on his laptop. Monday when he drops me off I get a kiss then get lots of looks as I go into the building. I'd called the doctors office before I'd come to school and had to head to the nurses office to get a copy of the letter for gym and talk to her about it.

"Angelo. I got the call from the doctor if I hadn't heard it from him I wouldn't have believed it. But here's a copy. I called Coach Rooker already and told him. Just give him the letter when you get to class. If you have any trouble just come here. Hows your morning sickness the doctor mentioned you'd been sick."

"It seems to be done."

"That's good. I signed off on the letter as well. Any questions?"

"Does anyone know about this?"

"Not that I know of." I nod and thank her before heading to class. I'm sitting in class waiting for the teacher when a guy comes and holds out a folded paper. I take it seeing my letter from the doctor.

"Dude, how can you be pregnant." I sigh.

"I'm special that's all you need to know."

"So it's true?" A girl asks over his shoulder. Obviously he'd showed it to her.


"But how?"

"None of your business." I tell her sounding a little snotty.

"Is principal Winter the father?" Someone else asks.

"Yes." I confirm.

"Alright class if you aren't supposed to be here go away. If you are part of my class sit down and be quiet please." That was just the start. All day long people kept asking me if I was pregnant. They'd walk away texting away.

"Great. Now the whole town will know." Just because I dropped my stupid letter. When I got to gym Coach Rooker took the letter and told me to do ten laps then come back. I started my laps while he got everyone started playing tag football.

"Hey Coach, why doesn't he have to play?" Someone asks after getting shoved to the hard floor. I keep up my laps and listen in.

"He's pregnant." Part of the class laughs. "For those of you thinking I'm joking I'm not. He's pregnant. I have the official doctors letter to prove it. Back to your game." I got more stares and whispers. As I go in the locker room after class I notice the guys staring at me. I just get my towel and go for my shower. They are all staring at me. I sigh.

"Yes. It's true." I nearly shout.

"But how, you're a dude."

"I'm special. I didn't know until I got pregnant."

"Principal Winter the baby daddy?"


"Dude that's fucked up." I pop the water off and go for my clothes I had one more class before I left. It was full of more stares and someone once again asks if it's true that I'm pregnant.

"Yes." I confirm. As I walk out I ignore the looks and head for my new bus. The driver gives me a look.

"You don't ride this bus."

"I do now. I moved in with my boyfriend." I sat behind him and tried to ignore the bus full of people staring and talking about me. I knew that Zach wouldn't be home for a few more hours from his job. I just did my homework, yeah homework this close to the end of school was stupid. Then got out the new game he'd bought me to play a while. He came in a few hours later grinning wide and kissed me.

"What are you so happy about?" I ask pausing my game.

"I got a job, the college here has an opening. The history professor. I start in three weeks. They aren't worried about the small minds of the school board here. He did say that if I sign up for classes my work would add a credit toward it. I got some info but I'm not sure I want to do that. They do have an option for a class a year so that I could draw it out and have plenty of time to be here with you and our little girl. How was your day, did you eat yet I can make something?"

"I'm starving but I was too annoyed to cook." He frowned.

"What happened?"

"I dropped the letter for Coach Rooker. Someone read it and now the entire world knows I'm pregnant. They were asking me about it all day."

"Hopefully they will keep to staring and it won't get worse."

"That would be nice. What are you going to fix me to make me forget my annoyance?" He laughed and went to the kitchen I followed to poke my fingers in the food. He got out a pan that had lasagna in it.

"When did you make that?" I ask.

"Yesterday when you were unpacking. Didn't you notice I kept disappearing?" I laughed.

"Apparently not. Looks good."

"Just needs cooked." He got it in then turned to me. "While it cooks want to play some of that game you were on?"

"Sure." We started a multiplayer game and played all evening.

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