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Niall wasn’t exactly sure how to take Lucy’s words in the gym that night. She ran out before he could ask her and there never seemed to be a good opportunity after that. Of course he found Lucy to be attractive but he also knew that there was a line he had to stay behind when it came to their working relationship. Keeping this line written in the dirt was difficult when she made it so easy to be closer than just business partners.

He knew that he wanted to be friends with Lucy; he loved spending time with her. She was easy to get along with and always seemed to be fine with having a beer and watching the game. She didn’t try to impress him or go out of her way like most girls did when they discovered who he was. She treated him as her friend and nothing more. As much as he enjoyed the thousands of girls throwing themselves on him, he really just wanted to be treated as Niall Horan, not Niall one fifth of boy band sensation One Direction.

What complicated the situation was Niall’s plan. There was a reason he invited Lucy to stay with him in Ireland after all. There was a reason why he poured thousands of dollars into remodeling his garage and paying for Gavin to train her properly. There was plan and he was quickly reminded by Harry over the phone that they, primarily Niall, had to remember her first fight coming up. There was a lot of money riding on it and neither male wanted to lose what they had put down.

It was important that Lucy had no idea they were betting on her. She was strictly under the assumption that Niall was her manager and would schedule the fights and appearances while Harry remained the silent partner and would funnel in advice as needed. She knew that for every fight she won they received a cut of her winnings but she didn’t realize they were also gambling large amounts of money on her in hopes of her taking out her opponent.

Maybe it was easier this way. Maybe it was better that Lucy kept Niall just far enough away to keep him enticed. If she found out what they were doing maybe she’d leave without there being too much pain. All these uncertainties played through Niall’s head and it wasn’t without notice. Lucy was clued into the people around her; it was why she was such a good fighter.

Niall sat on the couch, his body tight with anxiety as the fight loomed in the distance. He knew that the next day Lucy would have her first fight as a professional fighter in Ireland and it was a big deal. As tight as Niall was about the situation Lucy was amped. She was so excited and bounced around the house happily, her energy was infectious and it was quite possible that Niall had never seen her so happy before but he was too worried about the next day to appreciate her the way he should’ve.

He was wrapped up in his phone, reading over the bids that were being placed on Lucy’s fight when he felt two strong hands clamp down onto his shoulders and pressed deeply into his muscles. He groaned and closed his eyes, for the moment forgetting about the bets and let his hands drop into his lap. Lucy’s hands dug deeply into Niall’s neck and shoulders attempting to relieve the stress that had built up inside.

“You’re more nervous than I am, Nialler.” Lucy said softly from behind the older male.

“Nervous is one way to put it.” Niall replied in a soft tone as he dropped his head and let Lucy’s fingers walk along the curves of his neck and slopes of his shoulders.

“You can bet every Euro you have on me, I won’t let you down.” She told him as she let her fingers slide up his neck and into his hair and back down, pushing the stress out of his body.

“I know you won’t, Lucky.” Niall said quietly, her words hitting too close to home for him to feel comfortable.

“I’ve been researching this girl, watching her fighting style and what it takes to knock her out. I’m ready for her, Niall. I could take her on tonight if you let me.” She grinned and gently pulled on his hair so she could look down at him. He couldn’t help but smile back as he let her guide his head so they could lock eyes.

Lucy was glad that Niall was able to smile back at her; it had been awhile since she had seen him smile so genuinely. She wondered if her comment in the gym after the bar was the reason why but with everything that had happened since that time and the fight up ahead it was easy to blur the lines together.

Dropping down a bit, Lucy wrapped her arms around Niall’s neck and rested her head next to his as she hugged him. She sighed deeply and squeezed the Irishman tightly causing him to let out a small choking sound before she loosened up but still kept her arms around him.

“You’re gonna be just fine,” Niall said softly as he ran his calloused hands over her arms that rested around his neck. “You’re gonna lay her out just like you did that guy at the pub the other night.” He smirked and turned to look at her, his hands tightening around her arms.

“You’re gonna win and we’re gonna celebrate when it’s done. Harry is coming up, maybe you can lay him out again like you did in Boston!” He looked down at her, watching as the freckles on her nose and cheeks wrinkle at her sudden change in her expression and her laughed echoed off the walls as she pressed her head against his.

“He’s never getting into a ring with me again! I showed that fucker whose boss around here.” She teased as she laughed along with Niall, enjoying how the pair’s laughter accompanied one another like two fine instruments.

As the laughing calmed Lucy looked ahead at their reflection in the large television screen that sat unused in front of them. She saw how she looked wrapped next to him, her head close to his as he looked down at his lap smiling in that way that made girls melt since he was 16. His teeth were perfect now straightened after years of being corrected with braces and retainers. His eyes were the same blue that set him apart from the rest of the boys in his band. He had that boyish charm that was so sweet and naïve. Lucy liked how nothing got to him mostly because she was the opposite; everything seemed to get to her.

Lucy could feel the tension ease from Niall’s neck and shoulders as she kept herself wrapped around him, the couch separating them still. She was glad that he was relaxing because this was her chance to show him that the work he put into her this far was worth it; that she was worth it. She hugged him tightly and boldly placed a kiss to his cheek.

“Oh and what was that for?” Niall asked as his face flushed with a soft pink. “I didn’t take you as the kinda girl who gave out those tokens of affection.”

“It’s a thank you.” Lucy told him quietly, “For giving me a chance to live my dream and not doubting me. I’m just glad you’ll be there tomorrow at the fight.” She gave him one last hug before she straightened up and let her hand smack the back of his head.

“Don’t get used to that kind of affection, Horan. I can still kick your ass if I wanted to.” She smirked down at him as Niall turned to look at the girl, the smile on his face now a confused grin as he rubbed the affected area.

“I get it!” He snapped back with a chuckle, “I thought we made a rule anyway! No hitting the manager!”

“You did, but you’re my friend too remember? And there are no rules about not hitting my friends!” She laughed and started up the staircase to her room.

“I didn’t realize I had to be so specific!” Niall shouted back as he went back to his phone, laughing softly to himself.

When he was sure that Lucy was hidden away in her room, he went back to check the betting books and saw that Lucy had quite a bit riding on her for her fight the next night. He then went to his messages and began to type quickly to Harry.

She’s ready to fight. I can smell a win. Make sure you put it all on her.

A few minutes later Harry responded to Niall, the message glowing on his phone’s screen.

Text Message - Harry Styles: She better be. I won’t be convinced that this is really gonna work until I see her win.

Niall was quick to write back, he couldn’t believe how hesitant Harry was about everything.

Trust me. I still can’t believe that her knocking you out wasn’t enough proof for you. See your sorry ass tomorrow. Bring a bag; we’ll need it to take home all the cash we’ll win.

Even as Niall sent the last message to Harry he couldn’t help but feel like he was letting Lucy down. She had no idea and never would know; at least that’s what he told himself. 

Lucky Strike (Niall Horan)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα