Kakashi (Modern)~I Can't Wait to See You (Part One)

Start from the beginning

"I'm gonna get ready for bed now. Work really wore me out." He chuckled. You nodded in response and tried to hide your blush as he set the phone down on his bed. You watched as he pulled his shirt off of his body. You've seen him shirtless before and you were always attracted to him, but with the recent conversation, you couldn't help but stare at him a little more intensely.

"It's a little hot in my apartment right now so I think I'm just gonna sleep without a shirt on tonight." He smirked as he grabbed the phone from the bed before sitting down. You nodded slightly.

"That's okay with me.." You smiled and bit your lip slightly. He raised his eyebrow suggestively and smiled at you.

"I'm glad.. Although, you're awfully red. Are you warm?" He asked, causing your ears to grow hot. Kakashi.. You sly dog. You thought to yourself.

"It's a little warm in my room... I was actually just about to change into my PJs." Kakashi feigned interest and you smirked slightly to yourself before propping the phone up on your dresser.

Kakashi watched intently as you pulled your shirt over your head, leaving you in your bra. You stepped out of your leggings before putting on an oversized shirt. Kakashi pouted slightly as you undid your bra from under the shirt and pulled it out of the sleeve.

"Awe, are you pouting?" You teased him.

"Maybe a little." He smirked. You let out a slight laugh and grabbed your phone before getting into bed. He raised his eyebrow at you questioningly.

"No shorts tonight?"

"No, it's a little warm here." You blushed. He chuckled slightly before responding.

"I'll have to check out the air conditioning unit when I get there. Don't want to be hot all the time." You nodded in agreement.

"Though that'll be impossible for you." You flirted shamelessly. He looked away and laughed.

"Are you hitting on me?"

"Absolutely." You answered. He smiled and bit his lip slightly. He's so hot when he does that.

"You're so sexy when you blush, Y/n." You felt your face burning at his words.

The way Kakashi made you feel was ethereal. He has never made you doubt his love and he always knew just what to say. His words set your heart ablaze and you were starting to feel aroused by them. His bare chest on the phone screen didn't do much to help your case.

"Why are you getting quiet on me now, Y/n?" He mused. You looked at his smirking face and just shook your head smiling at him.

"Prefer me talking?"

"I love all of you but I do love when you speak when you're flustered."

"You just like teasing me." you blushed.

"Perhaps. Only out of love though." You smiled at him, though you craved friction. I have to wait for another week for him to finally be here.. You thought, rubbing your thighs together, hoping to satisfy your need for friction.

"You look a little more flustered than usual, Y/n." You bit your lip slightly, debating on how you should reply.

"Well.. we're talking about new things and I'm not used to talking about this stuff with you.. I'm not against it! I'm just not used to it." You said, laughing nervously.

"I think I understand what's going on." You looked up, wide-eyed and saw him smirking.

"You do?"

"Mhmm. You're hot and bothered. You're thinking about how we verbally agreed to be intimate when I arrived and you're thinking about how I'm gonna kiss you." You felt your face grow hotter than before and you felt your lower region aching for attention.

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