Ch 6 Meeting The Professors

Start from the beginning

Y/N: Maybe. Well see you tomorrow. Wait, is that carrot cake you talked back during the shopping still on?

Velvet: Yup.

Y/N: Do you need help?

Velvet: Do you know how to bake?

Y/N: No.

Velvet: Well you can help out shopping at the farmer's market.

Y/N: Alright. Can't wait to try this famous cake you said your family made. Bye.

Velvet: Bye then.

Watching as Velvet went over to Ruby's table for a bit you point at Glynda's table to Hunter and Anthony. Walking over and sitting down you look to the three across the table.

Anthony: Woah, nice mustache. You know I always wanted one. It's just I will only grow it out when I have a position of authority.

Y/N: How would you plan on that when your job is flying?

Anthony: That's why I never grew one.

Glynda: If you two could stop talking about mustaches I believe that introductions are in order.

Y/N: And you are?

Oobleck: Dr. Oobleck but you may simply call me Bartholomew as you aren't students.

Hunter: I think we're gonna stick with the last name.

Anthony: I heard people called you professor Oobleck.

Oobleck: I did not earn my phd only to be called a professor. Please refrain from doing that.

Anthony: Fair point.

Port: I'm certain you know Glynda but I'm Professor Port.

Hunter: Well I'm Hunter and those two are Y/N and Anthony.

Anthony: Well so you won't feel left out hi Glynda.

Glynda: Hello.

Oobleck: I heard about the situation about the cutout of Ozpin. It was interesting to say the least.

Glynda simply gave an audible sigh knowing where the rest of lunch was going to.

Port: May we see one of these tools? I heard how each of your semblances can essentially create an army of sorts.

Anthony: I think I can only create weapons. Watch.

Looking at the table a books grenade appears on the table.

Glynda: This isn't the time or the place to have such tools.

Oobleck: Now, now Glynda, we each are all responsible adults here.

Port: More so with you here.

Oobleck: Think of it as a prelude to the Vytal Festival we have the honor of hosting this year. We are experiencing a part of culture however grim it may be.

Glynda: Fine, but if it so happens to explode you will be the ones fixing the mess.

With that said Port picks it up, inspecting the grenade.

Port: Interesting. I heard some details about this from some of my students that we share. Even that one would have died if they weren't dummy grenades used.

Oobleck: And you two are pilots, yes?

Y/N: We were soldiers like Hunter here but we decided to become pilots.

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