|| 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐀𝐦 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐟 ||

Start from the beginning

Samsa was shaken from her thoughts when Leonard addressed her unexpectedly. She looked up to see the two men waiting for a response. Time to play her part. "They're us, whether we like it or not," she said, adding a slight waver to her voice. "We share the same memories, the same experiences, the same dreams..." She approached the darker Jim's bedside, suppressing a smirk as she caught his eyelids fluttering open. "I think he's waking up." 

Doctor McCoy came to stand next to her, his face displaying a mixture of concern and intrigue. The other Jim seemed just as transfixed, allowing Samsa to inch towards the open Medkit unnoticed.

"It's okay. You're in the Medbay," Jim began. His tone was soft but firm as he stared down at his other half. "What I said down in Engineering about being part of each other and needing each other, I meant it. The lives of the landing party depend on it. If we work together, we can save them."  

"You're right," the darker Jim rasped. "But we could do so much more."

Samsa almost flinched at how weak he sounded. She had managed to mask her worry so far but his symptoms scared her more than she liked to admit. Would she start deteriorating too? How long did they have left?

Her hand clasped something metallic and sharp in the Medkit (most likely a scalpel) just as Commander Spock entered the room. He was promptly followed by a flurry of Security Officers, all of which were armed with type-3 phaser rifles. 

"Captain, if you would follow me to the Transporter Room, I believe we have found a solution."

"Spock..." The other Jim trailed off, frowning at the extra security. "What is this?"

The Vulcan's eyes found Samsa and narrowed slightly. "The Doctor Gillian you are currently with is the duplicate." 

Time slowed. The darker Samsa knew this would happen eventually, just not so soon. She had several options. Every single one of them came with a huge amount of risk. But they had to finish what they set out to do, no matter the cost.

She decided that denying Spock's accusation was pointless. "When did you notice?"

"Almost immediately."

Leonard's eyes grew wide as he began to edge away. "You didn't think that was worth mentioning?!" 

"Apologies for the delay, but I thought it best to be a hundred percent sure. I sent Mister True and Doctor Marcus to the Engineering Decks, where they found Doctor Gillian." Spock paused and looked to his Captain, possibly awaiting an order. 

The other Jim's expression was hard to read. Whether he gave a command or not, Samsa knew what was coming. In one swift motion, she grabbed hold of Doctor McCoy and used his body to shield her own as she brought the scalpel to his throat. She raised her phaser with her other hand, switching her aim between the potential threats.

Several of the Security Officers lifted their rifles. Despite their defensiveness and the fact that Leonard's life was on the line, Spock remained calm amongst them. Jim, on the other hand, lurched forward, holding his hands out to deter any further action. 

"You heard what Spock said," he began. "They've found a way to fix this. It...it's over!"

"It's nowhere near over," Samsa said, her voice strong. 

"Am I correct in assuming you mean to duplicate the landing party?" Spock asked. His overly tranquil tone was beginning to get on Samsa's nerves. 

"Don't you understand?" She pleaded, tightening her grip around Leonard's neck as he struggled. "We're not evil. We're trapped. We have to set them free! I know there's a way for us to live apart from one another. There has to be."

"There isn't," Leonard croaked. "You've seen the scans. You're half a person."

The Doctor was right. Samsa knew it. She just didn't want to believe it. "Release his binds," she said, jabbing the scalpel towards the bed. 

Spock took a single step forward. "Surrendering now would be the wisest course of action."

Samsa took a shuddering breath and gritted her teeth. "Release his binds or I cut Leonard's throat." 

As soon as she returned the scalpel to the Doctor's neck, the other Jim began to move towards them slowly. "Samsa, please," he said with a hoarse voice. "I just want this to be over. Let Bones go and we can sort everything out. I know you. I know there's not a single part of you capable of hurting a friend."

"Do you? Do you know me?" Samsa retorted, coldly. "And I mean really know me. Because I'd already lived through five and half centuries before we met. How much do you know about my past? About my life before Starfleet? Before you." Silence greeted her question and she smirked. "Trust me when I say that you can't even begin to imagine what I am capable of." 

Genuine fear flickered across Jim's expression and Samsa could hear his accelerated heart rate. She assumed such a reaction would please her but it had the opposite effect. Even Spock looked slightly perturbed by her words as he raised a surprised eyebrow. 

"This is the last time I'm going to ask." She ignored the sense of shame creeping up her spine and angled the scalpel towards Leonard's carotid artery, hovering mere millimetres away from the pulse. "Release. His. Binds." 

There was a momentary hesitation, but Jim soon began removing the cuffs tying his shadow self to the cot. The darker Jim hauled himself up, using the wall monitor to steady himself. Samsa half expected him to collapse given the state he was in, but he managed to hobble to her side.

"Now, send the security away."

Jim glanced at the Officers surrounding Spock. "Dismissed," he ordered quietly. "Await further instructions in the Main Engineering room."

Samsa watched the Officers leave and motioned for Spock to move from her path, wanting to avoid the risk of becoming the victim of a Vulcan nerve pinch. He complied and came to a stop next to his Captain. 

"Whether you succeed in transporting the landing party or not, your bodily functions have weakened, Doctor." 

Samsa shook her head in an attempt to block out Spock's warning and headed for the exit, dragging McCoy with her as the darker Jim followed. 

"You will not last long, and neither will he."      

"We have to," she hissed under her breath...but her hope was starting to dwindle.

Hey readers, hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you are liking this storyline so far! Sending lots of love to you all! ❤

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