"Because I had went missing." Astrid finished. Kat nodded. "So you also know that it's going to kill me at some point."

Kat nodded. "Yes. We figured it out not long after. At the time, we knew you still had years to live."

"But now that I'm older, it could happen any minute now. I'm a ticking time bomb." Astrid scoffed.

"What made you want to talk about them today?" Kat asked.

"Because I had dreamt about them last night." Astrid said. "I didn't realize who they were until I had woken up. And it wasn't much of a dream, it was more like I was able to see what was happening before they died."

"What do you mean by that?" Kat asked.

"They were talking about trying to escape. I heard them say something about Gruumm. That if he got his hands on something, the world would be in danger."

"Did you happen to hear what it was?" Kat asked. Astrid shook her head. "I don't think these are dreams. I think somethings trying to tell you something."

"But what could it possibly be telling me?"

They did a bit of thinking before Bridge spoke up. "Didn't your parents hide something while they were on the run? Something so powerful that they it could destroy the world if Gruumm had it. Maybe that's what it is. And Cruger said that it was never found. Maybe that dream is trying to tell you where it is." Bridge assumed.

"Bridge, you're a genius." Kat said.

"I am?" He heard a slight laugh come from Astrid.

"Perhaps the equipment that your parents were trying to hiding back then is still somehow active. Maybe there's a chance for us to find it." Kat said.

"But how can we find something when we don't even know what it looks like or what it is?" Astrid asked.

"We just have to wait for another sign. If we time it perfectly, perhaps I can use the computer to track it's energy."

"How do we know if it'll work."

"If the energy is strong enough, I'm sure there won't be a problem tracking it. It will take time though." Kat said.

The doors opened up and Cruger walked in. "Astrid, it's time for our training."

Astrid sat up from the tool and sighed. "I'll see you later, Bridge. Thanks for talking with me, Kat."

"Anytime." Kat smiled.

The doors closed behind Iris when she finally left. Bridge turned back around and walked over to Kat. "Can I ask you a favor?" He asked.

"Go ahead."

"I want your helping in trying to save Astrid." He said. Kat turned to him confused. "I want to find a way to save her. She doesn't seem to have any hope, but I want to do anything I can to help her."

Kat smiled. "You sure have grown attached to her."

Bridge smiled and looked down at the floor. "In the time I've known her, I've grown to care a lot about her. And I want to be by her side all the time. Which is why I need you help. So can you help?"

"I can't guarantee that we'll find a cure. It's been almost two decades since a doctor had run some proper tests on her. And now that she's older, things have changed. But I will help."

"Thanks, Kat." Bridge smiled.

The doors opened up again and Astrid walked in. She walked to Bridge and held out her hand. Bridge looked down at her hand confused, then back up at her. "We need your stupid wristband."

Bridge reached into his pocket and handed it to her. "It's not stupid."

Astrid turned around and started waking away. "No, it's stupid."

Bridge began to follow her. "But it's genius. Think of the criminals that we can catch if we had more of those. Unfortunately the metal I used to make them is really expensive, but we can possibly make more."

The doors closed behind her as he followed her. Kat shook her head and laughed at the two friends.

"Yeah, but for now you're stuck with only using it on me."

Bridge grabbed her hand and turned her around to face him. Astrid looked up confused. But she then noticed the nervous expression plastered over his face. "Please don't be angry with what I'm about to tell you." He pleaded.

"Depends on what it is." She said.

Bridge took a deep breath. "I asked Kat to help me find a solution for your heart." He said. "And she said she would help. Are you okay with that?"

Astrid sighed and gave a slight shrug. "I guess as long as it's not any of the others, this is fine. All I want is for you to remember that-"

"That you don't have a lot of hope." Bridge finished. Astrid looked down at the floor as she sighed. "I know. But I'm still going to try."

She was regretting letting him do this. Why couldn't she just say no to him in the first place? What was it about him that she couldn't seem to reject? Why would she let him get his hopes up for her?

These were questions she was constantly asking herself over and over again in her head.

"Then all I have to say is good luck." She gave a small smile.

Bridge gave back the same smile. "Let's get going. I'm sure Cruger is waiting for you." He started walking ahead of her.

"You don't have to come watch me train." She said.

"But it's fun watching you fail."

"Bridge, I swear."

Hope you enjoyed!
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