Chapter 1-The Gates

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Taking a walk through the forest was always a way I could calm myself down and relax my mind, especially whenever I visit my old village. The memories I have however leave burning feelings of sadness, anger and hurt. That, and the necklace I wear around my neck everyday, and the gift Micah gave me. It was a small, golden, crescent moon earring with a blue moonstone in the middle.

As I arrive at my tree house, I look out at the lake next to it, and the little garden at the base of the tree. The little crops and herbs seem to be growing normally. Not ready for harvesting yet, but close to that point. I see two squirrels chittering and chattering away.

"Heh, hey there you guys." I say to them. They both turn to me and scurry up to my shoulders. I take out a few nuts from my pocket and hold put my hands. It doesn't take the squirrels long to run up to my hands and eat every single nut in the palms of my hands.

"Man, you guys must've been hungry." I chuckle.

They then both turn their heads away from me and back the way I came, their ears raised in fear. I look in that direction, and realise why they seem so scared. I take the squirrels and hide them in my pockets and quickly climb up the tree. I leave them on one of the branches before climbing down and running toward the lake. I use my magic to make my entire body invisible. I hear the sound of werewolves growling and snarling a few metres away from my tree house. I quietly creep closer. As I do the werewolves I heard come into view from behind the surrounding trees. For a moment, their bloodshot eyes make contact with mine, only to tilt their heads in confusion and look away.

One of them finds my little garden at the base of the tree, sniffs some of the crops and herbs, then looks up in my direction, growling. Seemingly at me. I step on a twig with my front paw. The rogue tilts his head and takes a step closer, bearing his fangs. I snarl at him and suddenly he has a scared expression on his face.

If only he knew what he just got himself into.

I stop using my ability of invisibility and lunge myself at the rogue. We tumble for a bit before I land on top of him and growl menacingly, bearing my fangs. My eyes start to glow in the shadows of the trees and the markings on my face appear and glow as well. The rogue under me and the ones surrounding me stare at me in complete horror and submit to me instantly.

'Get off my land! NOW!' I bark at them, glaring at them all.

After realizing that this is my territory, they back off and scramble through the trees out of sight. I shift back into my human form and let out a sigh. The squirrels run down from their branch and up to my shoulders.

"Your welcome for chasing them away." I say to them. The one on the left, who I call Chip, gives me a look, while the other one, Chuck, chatters and squeaks away like he's giving me a lecture.

"What? I if I hadn't scared them off, you two would've been their next meal." I defend myself. They both look at me with what looks like disapproval on their faces.

"I left them a few deer carcasses in the way that they're going, so they're still gonna have enough food to survive." I say to them. Chip shakes his head.

"You know what, I'm gonna go hunting." I say putting them both at my feet. I then turn away from them and shift. I could feel their worry building up.

'Don't worry you guys, I'll be back by midnight. If not, hide in the trees and don't come back down until you see me.' I bark at them. I then run off into the forest in search of a good enough kill for my lunch.


I've been searching for prey for a little over two hours, and until now I couldn't find anything. I wonder I

If maybe I was looking in the wrong part of the forest. I sniff the air for scents. No animals nearby, but what I do smell is so ething I havent smelled in a while.

Cooked food.

I follow the scent for about ten minutes before realising where the smell is coming from. In front of me is a huge gate made from Cobblestone and iron, with walls about four and a half meters tall. It has a large large emblem of a crescent moon and a pawprint in the centre. At the base are about four werewolves in human form, two on each side of the gate, each wearing a black and silver coat and dark clothes underneath. I stare in awe and take a step forward, but accidentally step on a twig. The werewolves all look at me. I quickly turn away and start running. I could hear three of the werewolves chasing behind me in their wolf forms, leading me to assume that one of them left to get backup or something. I shove that thought out of my mind and continue running. 

I try to get away from the werewolves chasing me, dodging trees, roots and branches in the process. After a while, I find myself at the edge of a cliff. A minute later, the werewolves catch up to me. 

'Stand down rogue, we don't wish to harm you.' One of them barks. 

I take a small step back anxiously, my eyes and markings glowing in fear. I take a desperate look behind me, then an idea forms in my head. I turn back to the werewolves calmly and sit down in front of them. One of them takes a cautious step towards me. I bark at all three of them before quickly turning back behind me jumping off the cliff. But, moments later a glowing, blue disc of light appears underneath me. Seconds before I land on it, and a second one appears right in front of the first one. I land on the first disc and I jump to the second. I turn to the wolves standing on the edge of the cliff. They stare at me in amazement, and confusion. I bark at them playfully before creating a path glowing discs leading in the direction of my tree house. I jump from platform to platform, getting closer and closer to home.

But, all the while questions are spinning around in my head. What could be behind those huge walls? Why was it being guarded? Why did they chase me? As I get to the lake, I shake my head and shove those thoughts to he back of my mind. Future me will tackle them. 

[Author's Notes]

Hey everyone, I'm back again with another chapter. I hope you all enjoyed reading and like getting a little insight on Akio's powers. I don't really have anything else to say about this chapter so I'm just gonna end it here. See you all in the next chapter.

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