Prologue-The Incident...(part 2)

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I run through the forest in my wolf form, running past and dodging every tree, animal and branch in my way. I jump past cute little critters, who scurry away as I pass. But I don't have any time for them. I continue running, and running, and running until finally I arrive at my pack gates. And I stare in utter shock and horror at the sight in front of me.

Broken glass, destroyed buildings, fire burning over every inch of the village, but the worst of it all, are the dead bodies of people sprawled everywhere, covered in and lying around large pools of blood, that seem to be getting bigger and bigger. Some of the dead people I don't recognise, but they're dead nonetheless. 

I shift back into my human form and continue to stare at the horror in front of me. I slowly walk through my destroyed village, fimding more and more dead bodies lying on the ground. Then, a thought comes to my mind that makes me stop in my tracks.


In a second, I'm running as fast as I can to my house. After a minute of running through and around the flames, I finally make it to my house. I kick down the door and run around the whole of the bottom floor of the house, looking everywhere for my father.

"DAD! DAD!? DAD ARE YOU HERE?" I scream, tears starting to form in my eyes.

No response...

"DAD!" I scream again.

Still no response...

It's completely silent for a minute. He would've heard me and run to me by now. Where is my dad? Was there a room I haven't checked yet? Did I somehow pass his dead body on my way here? I check the whole house again and run through my village in hopes that I can find him. 


Tears of sadness, fear, disgust, anger started to form in my glowing blue eyes, then begin to fall down my cheeks at the same rate as a waterfall. I hold my stomach and fall to my knees, sobbing uncontrollably. All the while, wondering who on God's green earth would do something as evil as this. 

That's when I hear a distant howl about half a mile away from my village, and the howl doesn't sound like a friendly howl. I quit my sobbing, quickly wipe my tears and run to one of the destroyed houses that hasn't burned down and hide inside. I peek out of the window and see three figures in the fire at the pack gates. Two tall and large figures and one small and shotrt figure. They all have pitch black hair with red tips, and their eyes are crimson, except for the smaller figure, who has one gold eye and a slightly lighter shade of red in his hair. The two large figures look like theyre in their mid thirties and the smaller figure looks to be a year or two older than me. One of the tall figures is the first to speak.

"This is quite a lot of damage, Yama. You and your wolves executed my orders perfectly." He says in a deep, menacing voice. 

"Why, thank you Alpha Riyuko. You know I love your praise." The other older figure says. He sounds younger that the first one. 

"Father, don't you think this much damage is a bit...excessive?" The kid asks. 

"Oh Reki my boy. After what That bastard of an alpha did to me, this is more than deserved." The man named Riyoku says. What did my father do to this man? 

"What did happen to Ryka anyway?"Riyoku asks tauntingly.

"He was outnumbered and we were just about to land the killing blow. But he used his stupid magic to blind us and disappeared into the forest." Yama says. I hear a growl from Riyoku. 

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