//time-skip #Naruto'sStorytellingSkillz //

"Then we got along nicely, since he explained the whole mess, and I really liked him. And- what are you doing?" Naruto looked genuinely puzzled as Hinata scratched the Kyuubi's ears. Before said fox could yap or complain or anything, he purred, enjoying the attention. He jumped up on Hinata's lap and made himself comfortable, she giggled as if enjoying the affection of a cat.

"Whaaaaat? I wanna pet him!" Sakura cooed as she made her way over, but Kyuubi almost bit her finger off. She yelped and scurried off to her seat. Naruto reached over, and Kurama growled at him.

"Wha- you literally live IN me!" Naruto spluttered. 

"Doesn't mean I like it. You've done nothing but annoy me since we met." Kurama yapped.

"He can talk?" Sasuke stared rudely. "That's weird man."

"Love ya too. Oh yeah, I remember, I hate you." Kurama rolled his eyes.

"W-What should we call you, Mr?" Hinata asked.

Kurama stared at her with large black eyes. "Kurama."

"Call me Kurama."

I swear, Hinata's gonna beguile me too- Naruto began to think, then turned red at the thought.

Whoa whoa, slow down, brain. The tomato-red Uzumaki blushed.

//time-skip to when Naruto hears of Sasuke running to orochimaru//

Naruto and Hinata were chilling in Naruto's room. The sun slowly sunk toward the horizon. They were playing a small game of Shogi, and Hinata was a really good opponent. It was her 5th move in the game that she cornered Naruto's king (A/N: is that what it is in shogi? idk the what who when why and how of this game) for the 3rd time in a row.

"Man, you're really good at the game, Hinata! But I win." Naruto whispered darkly as he checkmated Hinata's king in a matter of a few moves.

"I g-guess I l-lose then, N-Naruto-kun." Hinata smiled gently, "Or did I?" she moved in such a way that Naruto didn't anticipate, and completely wiped his king.

"Aw man, that was so close!" Naruto leaned too far back and fell onto the floor, his spine hit the chair back too hard.

"N-Naruto-Kun!" Hinata got up and rushed to his aid.

 Naruto twitched his head side to side, telling her not to touch him. 

Something cracked in Naruto's back, and he could breathe again. He rested there for a minute, then jumped onto his feet, and told Hinata, "Just remember, when someone's back has been hit by something or is hurt, don't touch them at all, no matter how painful a position. If you're doing medical jutsu, just do the healing without contact." Hinata nodded.

"I'm telling you this because I think it would be a great idea for you to learn medical jutsu." Naruto grinned. 

"Really? But, from who?" Hinata asked excitedly.

"I'll put in a word to Baa-chan." Naruto promised. Then he held up his hands, as if inviting Hinata's, "H-Hinata?" He asked timidly.

"Who's stuttering now?" Hinata asked, albeit shyly, with a smile on her soft lips. Weird, how his eyes just somehow fixated themselves on those lips. Naruto shook his head, willing those thoughts to go away. He took Hinata's soft hands and took a deep breath.

"Hinata, I just have this feeling that something's going to happen to me tonight. It's a hunch, but I usually don't get these kinds of things without them happening sooner or later. All I want you to know is, thank you for making me your friend and you knight in shining armor," Both giggled at that, and Hinata's soft giggle made Naruto's heart beat faster than ever, "and for giving me a home when I didn't have one at all."

"This makes me think you're going to die or something. Don't say these things." Hinata whispered. She rested her forehead against Naruto's, which turned . They stood in gentle silence, taking comfort in each other.

Then a hurried knock on the door interrupted their calm.

Naruto held for a second, then pulled away to answer the door.

As soon as he opened the door Kakashi skid on the door mat with panic, "Sasuke's kidnapped by the sound 4 who are heading toward Orochimaru. Naruto, Sasuke's deserting the leaf Village. Your mission is in peril."

Naruto's eyes widened, "Oh sh-" A not so nice word. He ran to the other end of the room and gathered up all his weapons. He grabbed his necklace with 2 pendants -- The red Uzumaki symbol with a green dragon curled around it, and the Namikaze pendant -- and threw it onto his neck. He was just about to run out of his room when he remembered Hinata, who was standing there in worried confusion. He grabbed her cheeks gently, and tenderly kissed her cheek, and whispered into her ear. "I'll be back soon."

And he sped off.

Life of the Savior - A Naruto Prodigy and NaruHina storyWhere stories live. Discover now