Thirty Seven - Flowers

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He leaned closer at the back, releasing me. "Do we really have to?"

"Come on. I rarely take photos."

He grunted a bit then made a 'peace' sign when I counted as I had the shot. Michi grinned with his teeth and Mikey smiled with his lips in a line.

I giggled, gazing at the photos I've taken so far. I'm glad I secretly took photos of the other members. I have a collection now.

"Mikey." I frowned as he rested his head behind me. "Oi."

"Hm? What?"

"You're not going to sleep behind me, aren't you?"

"Carry me when I fall asleep, hehe."


"Hahaha!" Michi chortled.

"I'm kidding, Della." Mikey wrapped around his hands around me. I gulped. "Don't be mad. I'm not sleepy yet."

"I-I'm not mad."

"Yeah?" He chuckled hoarsely.

I paused and suddenly felt guilty. "Mikey... are you sure you're not sleepy?"


"R-really?" I'm regretting my words now.

"You can sleep at the library, Mikey-kun," Takemichi suggested. "It's been so long since I last went there."


I snorted. "It's not like you go there, cous."

"E-eh, uh, well, I don't remember..."

I sneered. "Michi, you sound like an old guy sometimes."

"E-eh, that's, uhm..."

He's not pissed? He usually reacts irritated when I tease him about how ugly or old he looks.

"By the way, are you both sure you're coming with me? I'm positive you're just gonna snore there."

Michi shook his head. "Not me. I need to find—"

"M-michi! Michi!" I freaked out when the vehicle slanted. "Don't move too much! I don't want to die yet!"

"S-sorry! Sorry!"

"Hahaha! Nice one, Takemitchy!"


"I'm joking, I'm joking."

I wiped off the sweat on my head as we got there.

Man, I lost my voice there. My throat's sore now.

"Right, Michi. You said you were going to find something?"

His face froze a while. "U-uh, just stuffs about science and... er... time travels..."

Yours // MikeyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ