~Muscle Museum-Pt.1~

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"She had something to confess to,

But you don't have the time-

So look the other way...

You will wait until it's over

To reveal what you never shown her-

Too little much too late..."

                                              September 16, 1999

Matt woke suddenly, jolted out of his nightmare. His cheeks were wet with tears. I was crying in my sleep... His sleep was haunted by dark shadows that swallowed up everyone and everything he loved. His heart ached as he remembered what had happened last night between Emmelie and him. He remembered that he had told Emmelie his true feeling for her, in a desperate attempt not to lose her, but it seemed that had pushed her away even more. Matt had finally confessed his love after all those years, but it had been much too late. The bond between them had already shattered.

Matt let out a frustrated cry and punched the wall, losing his self control to anguish. His fist burned in pain, but he didn't care. No physical pain could compare to the emotion suffering he was enduring.

"Matt? You okay in there, mate?"

Matt opened the door to Dom, his jaw tense as he refrained from breaking down in front of his best friend. Dom's eyes widened as he saw the state the raven-haired boy was in.

"Matt! What's wrong? You're crying!" Dom exclaimed, worried.

"Perhaps you'd know if you hadn't been so drunk last night!" Matt remarked bitterly.

Dom could hide the shock on his face at Matt's anger. "I'm sorry... Matt, tell me what happened."

Matt looked away, his royal blue eyes darkening. "I'd rather not talk about it," he murmured, shutting the door.

Dom quickly put his foot in to stop the door closing, pushing it open. "Tell me, for God's sake! It will do you no good holding it to yourself, clearly!"

Matt turned on Dom, his fists shaking in fury. "And it'll be worse to tell you! If you know, you will leave. Chris will leave. I'll be all alone, then, and it wouldn't have even been my fault! Is it not enough for me to have pushed Emmelie away, but to have my best mates abandon me too?!! I'll say it one more time, since you clearly didn't hear the first! I'd rather not talk about it. Now leave me alone, Dominic f**king Howard!!"

Matt finished his bitter shouting by pushing past Dom and storming out of the house, ignoring the wide-eyed looks coming his way from Chris.

As he rushed away along the sidewalk, he swore at himself. He hadn't told Dom the truth for fear of his friends leaving him, and yet he had just shouted and swore at his best friend! Great one, Bellamy! He thought to himself, holding his head in frustration.

Glancing up, Matt stopped dead in his tracks, his mouth agape.

Emmelie was sitting at the bus stop a few metres away from him: and she was in tears, letting out sobs and cries that sounded agonised. Sitting hunched over, her long fiery red fell over her face. She was rocking back and forward, holding herself tightly. She looked like she had just found out someone she loved had died.

Matt took a tentative step forward, wanting to rush over and hug her, but afraid what she would say to him if he did. Torn, he shut his eyes tight, thinking.

And his heart won.

Before he knew what he was doing, Matt ran over to the poor girl and threw his arms around her, drawing her into an embrace. Matt heard Emmelie let out a loud sob as she pushed her head into his chest. He rubbed rhythmic circles on her back with his thumb, trying to comfort her, but at the same time feeling himself begin to cry. Feeling Emmelie against him made his mind spin and his heart flutter, and all he wanted to do was kiss her. But it would be wrong, to take advantage of her fragile state...

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