Chapter XXIV: The Chest

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Anthony didn't understand what happened.

Why did they kick him and Gerald through the bathroom wall? He hadn't even got to flush, which he found pretty disgusting.

Cade was really ticked that he was disturbed from his berry-picking. Anthony was sure that he was going to break something in the next twenty seconds.

Sure enough, there was a loud ARRRRG followed by Gerald's voice saying "Cade, stop it!" and the sound of a large tree toppling over.

Anthony rushed over to where he heard the sound, and he found Cade's scimitars in his hands standing next to a tree stump.

"I like plants!" Cade exclaimed. "Why did I have to be disturbed?!"

"Same here, Cade, I was going number two," Anthony joked.


"WaiT, WhAt NoW?" Cade and Anthony asked simultaneously .

They all laughed.


Later, Gerald decided to go into the forest to hunt for food. Mmm, wild boar is the best! he thought.

He whistled the old elvin melody "The Elvin Treehouse" while he was walking. Then he started air-bongoing and full-on yelling the notes. He got lost in it, so ten minutes and five bongo solos later, he didn't know where he was. Fifteen miles? One hundred yards? He started to get worried. Just then, he felt something nearby. He didn't necessarily know what it was, just that it was powerful.

As he was about to shrug it off, he caught a glimpse of a golden glow. He walked in that direction and saw a clump of grasses and leaves that couldn't have been naturally made. He threw off the leaves and stuff, and underneath, there was a golden chest. He hesitated, then decided to open it.

Inside, there were two pieces of paper and...a ring?

Oh, no, he thought. That looks just like the ring that Dess has! Except that the gemstone is blue...

He shoved it all in his pouch and ran to camp to tell everyone his discovery.

The Devil's Bane: (slightly more than) a short storyWhere stories live. Discover now