Chapter X: The Climb

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...The man fell over on the cold, stone floor. At this point, everyone noticed him, and the team quickly realized he was about to kill them. Slowly, Anthony descended to see who had done it, knife in hand. When he got to the window, there was no one there. He quickly told everyone his discovery and they resumed their climbing. Anthony carefully pulled the dagger out of the man's back. Two figures appeared below them.

"Uhm, guys, who's that?" Charlotte asked, climbing a little bit faster.

"I don't know!" yelled Anthony, who was also climbing faster. The figures disappeared, not knowing where the figures were, they climbed even faster. After they reached the next landing, they all got ready for the worst. As they all went through the window, everyone was tense, for even now, they were ready to be ambushed by anybody.

"!" a gruff voice ordered.

A dozen monsters with muddy green skin and sharp, black teeth—the friends guessed they were ogres—rushed toward the kids with grim-looking weapons. "GET CLIMBING EVEN FASTER!!" Cade shouted frantically.

The group was too scared to look down, for they heard a stomp stomp stomp, which was the sound of the ogres getting even closer. "Almost it! We're up!" Charlotte exclaimed in relief.

They were all celebrating when they saw an ogre's head pop up from behind the wall. Dess quickly went to grab his sword, but it wasn't there. Dess's second reaction was to slay the ogre with his fire powers. So he lit the ogre up. The ogre fell down, knocking all the ogres down with him. Dess quickly yelled, "Climb higher, it's our only choice!"

His voice was barely able to hear over the strange wind. As they were climbing, they heard a noise that sounded like a banshee. "Eaarraghhh!!" There were strange blue creatures with glowing green eyes. There was a bone pattern on their backs. As they all climbed extremely fast, they saw the blue abominations getting ever so closer. Dess then heard something that no one else did: "As the Bogecko goes from one plain to the other, the plain will be destroyed." Dess figured it was just voices in his head, so he ignored it.

With the ogres on the friends' tails, they saw flickers of bright red light about two hundred feet up.

"That must be the top!" Cade screamed. "CLIMB AS FAST AS YOU CAN! TRY TO BREAK THE SOUND BARRIER!!"

"YES!" Anthony agreed loudly. "MUCH SPEED!!"

In under a minute, they got to the top. "Yay, we--*pant, pant*--made it!" Felix said. "Also, who's that?"

Standing in front of a glowing red portal was a miniscule creature with brown teeth and wide yellow eyes, probably a dwarf by the looks of it.

"The portal behind me leads to a different dimension than the one we are in," the gnome said. "I will let you pass into it if you can guess my name. You have three tries."

"Um...Bob..?...Ren?...Rose?" Charlotte guessed slowly.

"Oh. It's Rose. You may pass."

"WOOP WOO--" Charlotte's cheer was cut off by the sound of an ogre growling.

With nowhere else to go, the friends jumped into the strange portal, and the surrounding area they found themselves in was unlike anywhere else they had seen before...

The Devil's Bane: (slightly more than) a short storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن