Chapter XIX: Reincarnation

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Cade, being himself, attacked on instinct. Everyone else hesitated and attacked. Dess attacked with hsi fire daggers and was about to land a fatal blow when Bottoms kicked him and he flew back ten feet. Charlotte ran over to him to check on him and ran back.

Cade pulled out his bow and shot a shock arrow at Reincarnation II, but he swatted it aside with the Devil's Claymore.

Anthony tried to land a punch, but he got incapacitated when Joe Devil punched him in the gut. "Ahh-owww!" Anthony said weakly.

Charlotte used her totems to drop a ton of rocks onto the Devil, but it passed through him as if he was made of vapor.

Gerald threw his war boomerangs, but the Devil snapped them in half easily.

"Ha ha ha, you thought you could stop me, eh?" Joe-as-the-Devil mused. "Wow. You really are stupid. Plus, I have infinite power. What have y'all got?"

"A smaller ego," Anthony said, confidently.

"Oh, and I'm happily going to ignore that comment," the Devil said. "So, you see, after you killed Thomas Gafe, my spirit flew around aimlessly until I found a worthy body of possessing--the one you know as Joseph Bottoms. I later found purple lizard-type creatures known as Lorpes. I commanded them to kidnap Cade and Gerald. I thought they would finish them off, but no, those creatures are stupid. So then, while they were gone, I sent a Gornamp to finish off everyone else, but it turns out they are really slow, and everyone got back in time. And that leads us to here, right now, where I conclude my speech and DESTROY THE DEVIL'S BANE!!"

He raised his claymore over Dess. Right as he was about to bring the titanic sword down, a flash of steel—a scythe?— knocked him to the ground and disarmed him. Everyone widened their eyes in shock as they looked at the familiar face where Bottoms had once been standing.

"Hi, guys," Felix said with a confident gleam in his eye.

The Devil's Bane: (slightly more than) a short storyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu