This feeling was too much for him to handle. His head started spinning. Just then mom came to his room.

"Ian ...why are you still awake. Is everything alright?." She asked while walking towards him.

"I am not feeling good mom. My head is spinning. I am not able to sleep".. He said while gripping his head.

"Oh dear....why didn't you tell me before..let me check..".she put her hand on his forehead.

"Thank don't have fever." She said and went out and came back with some medicine.

'Come take will feel better.".she said while giving him the tablet and a glass of water.

"Now lay should rest now..".she said while running her fingers in his hair.

After some time his eyelids became heavy and he went into a deep sleep.

Ian was walking in the corridor when he heard someone whispering.When he went near he saw a boy who was talking to some girl in very low voice to which she giggled. From her laughter it seemed that she was someone Ian knew. But he was not able to see their faces as he could only see there back. He became curious.... Who is she?.... So he went nearer. Suddenly the boy put his hand on her waistline and pulled her towards his chest. Due to this sudden action she turned around and finally he saw her face and the ground slipped under his feet. She was Naina..... She was so close to that boy. She was looking down . The boy put his finger under her chin and made her to look up. His face started getting closer to her. "Whatt....... Is he going to kiss her".

"Noooooo.......".Ian shouted and woke up with heavy breathing. He was sweating like hell... He looked around and after some time he realized that he was in his room and it was a dream.

"Oh god.... I need to figure it out before this feeling makes me a complete psycho...".. He thought and tried to calm himself.

He got ready and left for the college. When he reached the classroom he saw her sitting with her friend. He took a deep breath and went to her.

"Hey Naina" He said and she looked up.

"Hi Ian..". She said with a small smile.
Thank God she was looking fine now. She was not looking upset like yesterday.

"Should I ask her now..... No, not here I should talk to her alone". He was in his thoughts when someone hugged him from side.

"Hey Ian.... What's up... " It was Liza.

"Ohh-... Hi Liza " He said while stepping back.

"Hi Naina.... How are you.... Are you ready with the project?" She asked Naina.

"Hi.... Yes we are ready" She said while looking at Ian. "What about you? "

"Ya.... Me too... But as you know Leo is my partner, so I had go through alot of struggle . But somehow I managed " She said and sighed.

Just then professor Singh entered in the class. So they went to their seets.
"So class.... Are you all ready with your projects....". He asked while looking at them.

"Yes Mr. Singh..". Everyone shouted.

"Great... So please submit it after this class. Ok now shall we start " He said and proceeded the class. But Ian was not able to concentrate. His whole focus was on Naina. I will talk to her in lunch break . " He decided and tried to divert his mind.

During lunch break they all were in the cafeteria. Everyone was looking happy.
But Ian was lost in his own thoughts.

"Oh god finally this, project thing is over " Liza said while puffing.

"Ya..... Finally....... Let's celebrate this " Jasmin said while hugging Tyler.

"Definitely."... Tyler said while hugging her back. What do you say James? He asked.

"Sure... Why not... So Ian, tell me what should we do.... Some party.... Or may be a night out hannnn?" He asked him.

"I don't know.... You decide... Ian said while looking at the entrance. He was looking for Naina. She had not came till then. " Where is she" He thought. Just then he saw her coming with her friend.

When she saw them she smiled and waved her hand. Then she went to Martha.After getting their lunch they went to an empty table.

They were having their food when a boy came to them. He wished them and sat down beside Naina. They were talking about something but Ian was not able to hear. Suddenly they started laughing. Naina was looking very happy while talking to him. And this thing was making him uncomfortable. "Who is this boy and what are they talking about .Is he the one who called her yesterday." Ian wondered.

"Hey Ian, where are you lost..".Liza said while shaking his shoulder.

"Huhhh...Nothing.".. He said while having a sip of juice.

"Should I ask James about that boy? May be he knows him" He thought. No... I shouldn't... What will he thing... Why I am so interested in him.

"Hey Ian... What is this man.... Here we are planning and you are not paying attention " James said while waving his hand in front of his face.

"Oh I am so sorry guys..... So what were you saying ".

"We are thinking about a small vacation. You know like beaches and all .It will be fun. Is it ok with you. " Said Amber while winking at James.

"Well..... I don't know.... Actually I don't feel like going anywhere". Ian said while getting little frustrated.

"Oh come on.. Don't be a spoilsport". Liza said while rolling her eyes. "We are going and that's final".

"Where is Naina... We have to inform her too... After all she is your partner. And she has really worked hard. She also deserves a chill out". Said Amber while looking for her.

"There she is!!" She said while looking at her direction.

"Hey Naina.... Please come here". She called her.

Naina looked at her direction and nodded. She said something to that boy and stood up. Suddenly someone pushed her and the very next moment Ian saw Naina in the arms of that boy.

He was hugging my Naina.... How dare he....... He thought. Just looking her so close to someone else his blood started boiling and the horrible dream that he saw at night,started flashing in front of his eyes and he didn't know when his fist clenched.

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