Prologue: Arrival to The Forgotten Land

Start from the beginning

You stared up at this odd tree and tilted your head.

After staring for a while you simply walked around it.

Unfortunately you were forced to stop when one of the pumpkins fell at your feet.

The pumpkin's eyes and mouth glowed very intensely.

On instinct you immediately jumped back and the pumpkin splattered with a fiery explosion.

You stared at the spot the pumpkin exploded for a brief second only to dodge another that was thrown at you.

Like before the pumpkin exploded when it hit the ground behind you.

Not a second later, the ground shook beneath your feet and the tree's branches began cracking.

One branch formed into a hand which clenched into a fist.

The seemingly living tree then attempted to give you a hard punch which you managed to avoid by jumping to the side.

Quickly you brought out the blade on your back and slashed at the fingers of this creature.

You managed to slice off 2 of it's fingers which made it reel back in pain.

You looked at the tree as glowing yellow eyes formed on the trunk along with a mouth filled with sharp wood resembling teeth.

The tree then let out a mighty roar causing the jack-o-lanterns that hung on it's branches to glow more intensely.


This is my own version of Whispy Woods.

I call it Creepy Woods.

You only stared at the living tree before you with that unchanging expression and got into a fighting stance, your blade at the ready.

Creepy Woods snarled and it's chopped off fingers regrew before clenching.

You soon saw all the Jack-o-lanterns on Creepy Woods' branches glow orange and they began launching multiple blasts of flames at you which you began dodging and deflecting with your sword.

One flame burst that was sent your way was deflected directly into Creepy Woods' left eye making it roar in pain.

The creature's eye was now closed and it was even more enraged.

Suddenly, a root tentacle burst up from the ground in front of you which you twisted around and slashed apart.

More tentacles burst up from the ground which you began running around and dodging.

The tentacles all suddenly whipped at you and they were promptly cut down.

Creepy Woods was enraged and sprouted a second hand and both hands attempted to grab you.

Unfortunately for it, you saw this coming and jumped on the back of it's hand and dug your blade into it.

This caused creepy Woods to fling you and Your blade up into the sky.

Glaring up at your falling form, Creepy Woods blasted out multiple fire balls from it's mouth and the Jack-o-lanterns that hung from it's branches.

Seeing this, you immediately began twisting around in the air dodging the flames that came your way.

One flame that was too big to avoid, you simply reflected with your blade like before.

This time, instead of hitting the tree's eye, the flame went directly into it's mouth.

Voidheart: (Fem Kirby x Male Hollow Knight Reader)Where stories live. Discover now