The doctor rushed over to him and helped him to get up.

Namjoon wiggled in their hold as he shouted back while burning holes on the boy., who was now crying behind the doctor's back.

"You bastard!! How dare you do this to us? When I gave you all the things in world, one could never give you... Is this how you repay back? Didn't I fucking forbid you to get in relationships? Wasn't that clear enough? Huh? Is that why you went mother fucking around the town?"

The young boy sobbed, clutching onto the white coat of the doctor. 

"I-I'm sorry hyung." he muttered. Wrong move! Because that made Namjoon's temper rise more than ever.

"SORRY? OH YOU'RE SORRY NOW, EH? But why the fuck didn't you think about that before? Can you even imagine what will happen to our family and businesses, when this news goes viral around the whole country? Th-that the Jeon heir got pregnant at seventeen? Can you?"

"Mr.Jeon, I think we heard enough!" said the doctor in a stern voice but that didn't help.

"You stay out of this, you bitch! And I'll take care of you later, get that through your thick skull right now! I'll sue you all!!"


"Master, can't we go for an abortion?" Jackson asked suddenly.

Namjoon stopped struggling for a second and looked at his guard with careful eyes. Then he turned back towards the doctor in a hurry.

"Yes," He half yelled. "Yes, that's it. Abort the child. Abort that bastard as soon as possible."

The doctor seemed to be nervous. "No, that would dangerous. I already told you that the baby's two months old so an abortion won't be safe for the Papa."

"I DON'T FUCKIN' CARE!" snapped Namjoon at the doctor. "Do it and I will buy this hospital a MRI scanner."

The older man looked at him with disgust. "Bribing won't work with me Mr.Jeon. Shouldn't you be concerned about your brother's life more than any of those other shit?"

"OH, So you are saying Fame is a shit? Huh? I've worked so hard for years to earn this and you're saying to drop them all because of an irresponsible kid?"

"He's not a kid, HE'S YOUR BROTHER!"

 Namjoon glared at him and turned his burning gaze back to Jungkook, who immediately hid behind the doctor.

"Who is he Jungkook? Who is that whore who fucked with you and our lives huh?"

Jungkook remained his silence and that made Namjoon go more madder. 

"Jungkook, tell us the name." the doctor said in a kind tone, rubbing the boy's back. "Maybe we could solve the problem from that side."

Jungkook shook his head while tears oozed from his eyes. 

"Speak or I know how to find it through the collage." Namjoon threatened and that feared Jungkook because he knew if his brother go to that step, not only Taehyung has to suffer but more.

"N-No hyung..p-please"

"Do not give that crappy please Jungkook." growled Namjoon. "If you fucked, then go fuck with him for the rest of your life."


"Tell me his name, then I can send you both, somewhere out of the country. You can get married there when you turn eighteen. Chapter closed." 

"But hy..."

"What is his name?" Namjoon asked sternly. 


"What Taehyung?"

"K-Kim T-Taehyung."

"Where does he live?" 

"I-I don't k-know."

Namjoon turned to his bodyguards. "Go talk with the school administration and find this fucker's address. Bring him to me in 24 hours, got it?"

"Yes sir." 

"And find if anyone knows about this. If does, give them the requested amount of money, no matter how much and shut them up. We can't let this humiliating news leak to public." 

"Yes sir."

Namjoon turned to the doctor and walked over to him. Then he pointed his finger at him in a threatning way.

"YOU, If YOU ever think of spitti...."

"I'm not a monster like you Mr.Jeon so get out before I report you to police."

Namjoon tried to say something more rude but controlled himself. He turned around harshly and walked away with his bodyguards.

"Sir, what about Master Kook?" asked Jackson, noticing that his master's leaving his brother behind.

"He's not Master Kook anymore" Namjoon snapped, not stopping his steps. "He's just Jungkook."

The doctor watched them leaving, then turned to the young boy, who was now sobbing on the bed. He filled a glass from a nearby water jug and gave it to him. Jungkook held onto it with shaking hands, not caring to drink.

"Do you want to call anyone beside your hyung?" the doctor asked, sitting beside him.

Jungkook thought for a second and nodded. The doctor fished his phone out of the pocket and placed it on the latter's lap.

"Go on." 

Jungkook gulped down a half of the glass and kept it on the table. Then he dialed the number of the person, he only wanted to see right then.

He picked up on the second ring.

"Hello? Who is this?"  

Even his voice brought comfort to Jungkook.

"J-Jinnie hyung?" he stuttered, trying his best not to cry.

"Kookie? Is that you? Are you okay? Where are you?"

"H-hyung...Can you..Can you come to p-pick me from here?"

"Kookie!!" shouted Jin, as he saw the boy standing in front of the Seoul National Hospital with a old doctor beside him. He ran over to the boy and engulfed him in a tight hug.

"Hyung.." Jungkook sobbed in his hold, not knowing what else to do. Everything seemed like a nightmare to him and he wanted to escape it somehow, even though he clearly knew he can't.

"You know he's pregnant, right?" the doctor asked with concern, relieved to see a person who actually care about the poor boy. "I heard you're also a doctor?"

Jin looked shocked for a moment, then nodded with tears in his eyes.

"Yes, a pediatrician and....thank you for taking care of him sir." said Jin bowing to the older. 

The older smiled at them and after bidding good byes Jin walked Jungkook over to his car. He helped him to get in and after seating himself on the driver's seat, he started to drive away.

They remained silent for a while until Jin finally decided to speak.

"Your hyung found out, right?" 

Jungkook just nod his head while hanging it low. 

"What did he say?"

"H-he..we..f-find...Ta-Taehy.." Jungkook swallowed most of his words but Jin got it. He sighed in agony seeing Jungkook's current situtaion. He knew this was too much for the innocent boy. 

"Don't worry sweetie. I'll talk this out with him."

And he hoped he could.

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