Chapter 7

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(time skip after school bc i am too lazy)

I went over to Deku's house after school and we went up to his room when we were up there he said "I am gonna go kill heros or people tonight do you wanna come?" I mean I guess to prove to him I am a villain I should go "Yea sure" his mom called us down for dinner we ate and then we went back up stairs we were just watching a movie and it was ten "Are you ready" he asked "Yea" before we left I took a cigarette and a lighter and lit it

We got to the location "Watch and learn" two people were making out in the alleyway and they screamed when they saw us and then I saw Deku's eyes turn red and they were dead in a instant. A pro hero arrived and when Deku looked and him he died. He handed be a knife and said "Stab them in the chest a bunch of times so it looks like they died from that" I was so confused but that's what I did "I am done" I said he took there blood and wrote on the wall 'Genoside and.. "What's your villain name and it can't be any of the name ideas you were trying to do in class" uhh honestly I haven't thought about that but "uhhh Dynamite" I said "Ok nice" he finished writing and it said in blood 'Genoside and Dynamite where here'

We got back home and we went to bed since it was already late

I woke up and I was so tired Deku was still sleeping I shook him up "Wake up nerd" I said "We're gonna be late" he woke up and looked up at me and smiled I couldn't help but blush I turned away and got ready. All I could think about was him I mean I feel her would want to kill me for what I did but now we're working together but not as hero but as villains. I was so zoned out that I didn't hear him come into the bathroom "Whatcha thinking about?"
"Oh it's nothing" I said I think he knew I was lying but he didn't say anything "Mhm ok well are you gonna move I have to brush my teeth"
"Oh yea sorry" I walked out of the bathroom. I don't know why I am getting all flustered. Ugh. "Ready to go Kacchan?" "Yea" I said quietly

When we got to school I had to act like my normal self so no one would rise suspicion of us. As if I had a normal time last night and nothing I did nothing bad "Hey bakubro. Did you see the news this morning, apparently there's a new villain working with Genocide his name is Dynamite at least that was written on the wall." Shitty Hair said. I hadn't realized it had gotten up that fast but I had to act like I didn't know "Oh whatever it's just a bunch of extras that I could beat in an instance!!" I yelled trying act like my normal self "Well apparently they killed to civilians and a pro hero" Dunce face said I looked over at Deku and he was talking to his normal friends acting so innocent "Tch" I whispered under my breath then I looked over at Icy-hot and he was just looking at his phone "Alight class you will all need to get this permission slipped signed by your parents so that we can go to the training camp to get your provisional hero licenses" Aisawa said. Everyone looked so happy about this training camp.

(time skip to lunch)

It was lunch time so now we are going to have our little meeting in the bathroom such a weird place but I guess there are no security cameras in there. I walked in and it looked like I was the last one here and I locked the door behind me so no one would walk in on us "Hey Kacchan how do you like being on the news" Deku said "It's whatever I guess all they know is some names and what we did nothing really to it" I looked over at Icy-hot there was something i've been wanting to ask him. "Hey Icy-hot! Why'd you become a villain" He looked at me and then looked at Deku as a sign as can I trust him enough to till him then Deku nodded. "Because of my father..." then I had a flashback of what he told Deku back at the sports festival "Oh.." It was silent for a second before her spoke again "Also one of my older brothers opened my eyes for me to see the truth which your actually saw him he's the one with the purple scars" I was trying to picture who that was and I was like shocked because no way those two are related they look nothing alike. "What! You guys look nothing alike" "Believe jt or not he dye his hair so it's a little different but we have the same colored eyes" "Whatever I don't care" Deku then spoke and said "Anyways just so you know Kacchan we are going out again tonight but with Todoroki so they know we're a trio when killing others and that's how it will be from now on.

(hey guys know it's been like 2 years and I lowkey forgot about this and I saw this chapter was written but not published so I decided to publish it so i probably won't write another part or maybe idk i don't really watch anime or read stuff like this anymore but here enjoy this)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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