Chapter 6

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(Bakugo's POV)

I was walking down the streets and I heard a scream so I quickly ran to go see what it was and I went down an alleyway and saw someone had been murdered a pro hero
in fact but in front of it scared me the most it was DEKU! What why is deku here he was covered in blood it's like he killed him "Deku is that you?"

"Oh yes Kacchan right in plain eye sight" what I couldn't believe it, does that mean he is a villain so what I thought was true "So you are a villain?" maybe I am imaging things "Well of course I am" he said with and evil smirk on his face "What how why?" I asked "That's a lot of questions to answer instead why don't you die!" he came running towards me and I woke up

Ugh it was just a dream but I fadedly saw Deku jump out the window and realized he wasn't next to me so I got up and followed him. It has been 10 minutes where are we going after another 5 minutes we finally arrived he went in this sorta bar place was he sneaking out to go drinking I decided to try looking through a window what where is Deku is that the guy from the USJ attack!! What was Deku going out drinking with a billiard. I looked and saw other people they look familiar I was trying to get a closer look and I tripped and fell oh god I think they heard me I heard the door open and saw someone and it was deku. "Kaccahn what are you doing here?" he said in a worried face next thing I knew I was passed out.

I woke up and saw Deku and that guy from the USJ attack the purple dude. "Deku what is all this" I said angrily "Um so yea you know what we where talking about earlier how I asked if I were a villain would you be one to well um yea so this is were I need an answer this time" wait what Deku a villain I can't believe it then I saw Icy-hot walk in!!! "Sorry i'm late caught up with family business" he said "Oh just in time we were just about to see if Bakugo would become a villain or not" said the hand guy "Oh what is his answer" Todoroki asked "He was just about to answer that" then I saw Todoroki whisper something to purple scar dude. "SHE IS" he shouted "Anyway Bakugo what is your answer we are waiting" honestly I don't know I mean I am kinda leaning more towards yes but I don't know honestly

"I-I will join the League of Villains" I said "Great that's great" then they were talking about how they were gonna fake kind-nap me and teach me things before I went back "Twice you got are clones down right" Deku asked "Yep all ready to go!" masked crazy dude said "Alright we should get home after all we got school tomorrow" I went home with Deku and said nothing and went to sleep once we got back.

(Ok sorry I haven't posted in awhile been busy this is one of my shorter chapters don't worry the next chapter will be longer also I am skipping the sports festival because basically the same things happen and I am lazy. p.s. yes Todoroki and Dabi/Touya are brothers just like in the manga.)

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