Mother:" I'll go to Shydoaún myself if that's what you want. I trust you'll keep safe and catch up with Rachel" he nodded hugging her tightly they said goodbye before she walked through the portal. I turned to Chris who looked a bit sad.

I placed a hand on his shoulder and said.

Rachel:" don't worry, she'll be ok" he smiled at me before saying.

Christopher:" thank you. Thank all of you, if you hadn't shown up sooner I would probably be dead by now" he said looking down we all looked at him smiling before saying.

Rachel:" your safe with us, don't worry. Besides, we can finally make up for all the time we've lost!" I said smiling brightly, he laughed and said.

Christopher:" that'd be great!" He said and with that we were off. Back home where we spent ages trying to calm an almost-close-to-heart-attack Christopher when he saw the dragons and mansion, until he finally settled down.

It was dark and we decided to get some shut eye, but I couldn't sleep. I don't know why but I wanted to see Christopher. I laugh to myself at the memories of Christopher and me having sleepovers and falling asleep next to each other while eating junk food.

I smiled at that memory until I realized just how much we had changed. I was...I don't know what? And Christopher, well..he's just, wow.........

I couldn't take it anymore and tiptoed out of my room and into the hall. Good thing it was warm out because I'd get cold with just a tank top and shorts. I reached Christopher's room and was about to knock before stopping myself saying.

Rachel:" what am I doing? I'll just invade his privacy" I mumbled moving away from the door, until I heard it squeak open and a groggy looking Christopher stood in the door frame rubbing his eyes.

 I bit my lip when I saw he was standing there without a shirt first thought I had ' how the hell did he get those abs!? It's not fair!' I looked away but turned back when I saw a smugly looking Christopher leaning against the door frame saying.

Christopher:" see anything you like, Rachel?" He asked in a low and confident tone. 'I'm dead! What do I do, what do I do, what do I do!?. *sigh* do you, because you don't back down.

Rachel:" yeah, gotta admit. The views not bad" I said teasingly. He was taken aback before blushing and saying.

Christopher:" could say the same to you.." he mumbled but I could hear it loud and clear. We stood there for a moment just looking at each other and I swear I heard a Kricket chirping to make it look like one of those movie moments. Until I said.

Rachel:" well this is awkward" I said as he just hummed in agreement before saying while rubbing his neck.

Christopher:" soo, uh I was wondering, I mean I know we're not in the same position as five years ago but-but I was wondering if you'd to, stay?" He asked shyly, I smiled brightly before walking over and said.

Rachel:" why do you think I came here?" His face lit up, and we moved into his bedroom. I tucked myself under the blankets, but turns out we didn't sleep much we mainly talked and laughed at our old selves. Until my eye lids were hard to keep open and I felt myself drifting off to sleep.


Christopher's POV

She fell asleep on my shoulder as I talked about what little brats we used to be. I, of course, stopped when she fell asleep and couldn't help but admire her.

'Are we sure this is my Rachel, the sweet little girl I fell in love with years back. This one is strong, sassy and not to mention breath-choking-gorgeous. First thought I had when I looked her up and down while leaning on the door frame was.

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