Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

"Caleb, where are you?" She asked Caleb. "Is everything alright?"

"Everything's fine. I was just talking with my brother. We've been thinking, well, I have been thinking. This place is so wonderful and has so much beauty in It." He told her, smiling. Azura blushed as he continued. "I'm going to stay."

Azura eyes went wide as she covered her mouth in shock. She started crying a little. Caleb walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her. Philip watched in disbelief, looking at them. He glared at Azura.

This was all her fault.

"You traitor." Philip spatted out, his fists shaking by his sides. Caleb looked back at him.

"Philip!" He tried to call out to him. But, Philip was already gone, as well as his palisman.

Later on that night, Caleb was growing worried for his brother, Philip. He was carving the palisman wood, that an witch had placed an order on. He still hadn't returned after he ran off from their argument earlier. He was always the one who would look after him. Now, his little brother was completely alone. Caleb sighed and placed the wood down, taking a break before he heard what sounded like someone singing. It was enchanting and beautiful, echoing like a siren. He got up and followed the voice, heading into the red woods from where the voice was coming from. As Caleb got closer, he gasped as he saw Azura.

The trees and plants around her were in full bloom, enlarged in size. The moonlight rained down and stars were shining above her. As Caleb tried to move closer, his foot stepped down on a twig snapping it. Azura stopped and looked behind her. Her eyes went wide, seeing him. Caleb stepped out, walking over to her, smiling.

"That was beautiful." he said, sheepishly. "Sorry, for listening in. I couldn't help myself."

Azura said nothing to him as he moved a little closer to her. He stared up at the moon and stars above them, watching. Azura bit her lip, nervously. She trusted him so much and he trusted her. She couldn't keep lying to him. She had to tell him the truth, despite her family's warnings not to.

"Do you remember when you asked me about my magic?" she told him. Caleb turned his head back at her and nodded.

"Yeah, you said that it was because your family was from powerful witches."

"Yes, but there's more." she pulled out her necklace, showing it to him Caleb took it, holding it in his hand. "It's because of this. My family said that it goes back as far as to when the Titan had fell. It has the power to give the owner powerful magic. But, it can also wake the Titan. I am it's keeper, so that it won't. If it fell into the wrong hands, it would be the end of everything that we knew."

Caleb's eyes widened in surprise. To bear such a heavy burden, that was a lot of responsibility for only one person. Just like him. He smiled.

"In a way, you're just like me." He told her. Azura blinked in surprise.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Back at home, being the first born, I had to take on responsibilities as a town leader. As well as looking after my brother. He's all that I have left." He explained.

"You never told me what you did?" Azura asked him. Caleb sighed.

"I'm a witch hunter. We hunt down any witches and stop them." He told her. "That's why we followed you."

Azura's eyes widen in shock at what he told her. She was speechless as she stared back at him. To kill her? Caleb didn't look at her. He couldn't he was too disgusted with himself, his family stupid legacy. Then, Caleb felt a weight against his shoulder and was surprised to see Azura leaning against him.

"You don't seem like the type." She smiled, laughing softly and pulled on his long strand of hair.

Caleb's eyes widen at her before smiling a little. "And you're not evil. You and this world made me realize that. There is so much freedom to do here than what I could back home. Azura, you changed me."

Azura stared back at him, shocked by his words, blushing. Then she noticed Caleb moving in closer to her, she did the same, slowly. Both of them stared into each others eyes before their lips met as they kissed. The two were completely lost in each other, one needing the other, as the world faded around them. It was just them.

As the two passionately kissed in a heated moment, they didn't realize that they were being watched as well. Red shiny beady eight eyes were watching them. The spider palisman crawled away from the tree that it was hiding from and skittered back over to it's owner. Philip bent down, picking up the spider palisman in his hand, seeing Caleb and Azura together in their private moment.

He let out an loud anguish hollowing cry. The spider let out a pained squeak as Philip squeezed it tightly.

"I will not let my brother become fallen to a witch!" He shouted, enraged.

"I can give you the power to help him."

Philip's eyes widened and he looked around wildly to see who was talking to him.

"Where are you!? Are you some evil spirit, come to bewitch me as well!"

Philip heard a deep chuckling that almost sounded like it was mocking him.

"To be least loved by your father, only for him to love your brother more. How you must be jealous. How much it must hurt for the only person in your life, that you loved, look up to, protected you, to completely betray you."

"What are you?" Philip questioned.

"I have been watching you two for a long time. I am friend. A friend who can help you. The witch has hold on me. Set me free and I give you your brother back."

"What must I do?" Philip asked.

Philip's eyes widened as he heard the voice told him. He looked down at the spider palisman in his hand, who squeaked in response. Crack! Philip had split his palisman in half, breaking it to pieces. A dark green glow floated up to his face, going to his eyes, nose and mouth, absorbing it. Philip's eyes glowed bright blue as he felt his body getting stronger, feeling the magic fusing with him. Philip coughed as he fell to his knees as he struggled to breathe. He could feel the palisman inside of him desperately trying to get out but it was too weak to do so.

Philip smirked as he stood up and walked away heading deeper into the woods, disappearing into it.

"We have a lot of work to do, Titan."

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