Part 8

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Scarlett's pov.

As I get to the kitchen where the door to the garden is I see a man in a very expensive black suit at the entrance of the garden looking around. He must of heard my heels on the floor tapping because he turned around as I got out of the doorway.

His faced me where I could get a look of his face which was very handsome. The sides of his hair was trimmed nicely making his face look more proud and the side of his that are near his ears have a little bit of grey, same as his beard which look very kept up.

I got red in the face when I realized I was checking him out and he was already really close to me now. I was on the patio which made me a little more higher which made me eye level with him. " are you one of the students sent from the academy?" , he questions while sticking his hand out to grab mine and kissing it on top making me even more red.

" yes sir, my name is Scarlett Lee Rose, may I know who your name?" , I ask politely while looking at his blue grayish eyes. " my name is Dominic Moretti I am the one who let your school use my house for this movie you are making" , he says while smirking at my face because I'm sure I look like a dumbass not knowing who he is.

"I'm so sorry I didn't realize who you are sir, it's just there isn't many photos of your family" , I say while looking down at my feet feeling extremely stupid. My head jerks up at hearing him chuckle " yes I made sure of that so my family has privacy and it keeps threats away from us" , he says while walking around me to get inside and while patting my shoulder.

I followed him and he asked me to follow him to his office so we could talking about more things. He went to the stairs and went to the other side which was made clear to never go down, So I'm kinda nervous. We went down the hall where you could see pictures on the wall which made me surprised to see since there is no other pictures in this house. The pictures showed Mr. moretti and his family which I stopped at and kept staring at which made him stop as well and come over to me.

" this was taken before we left this house" , he said while looking at the youngest girl in the picture. I kept looking at the other man in the photo " is this you son, sir?" , I asked while staring at the sons eyes int he pictures.

" yes this is Enzo's he is the eldest of our children you may meet him soon as he is coming to this house as well" , he says while headed down the hall again. I quickly followed and we soon got to a door the he opened and went inside then sat down at a desk in the middle of the room that was filled with bookcases and the desk and a fireplace.

"Please have a seat, I've asked you to come here with me because I want to give a some advice while my men are going to here" , he said while I sat down I nodded letting him know I'm listening " my men are what trained to protect my family so some are very dangerous and I would ask you to avoid them as much as you can" , he said while staring at me with a serious face.

" yes sir I will make sure to tell my friends and we will try our best to stay out of your way", I say. He nods then we talk more about small things for a while.

An hour later we hear a knock at the door "come in" said Mr. Moretti and Charles came in through the door saying " sir, you son and men are here the others will be here later tonight" " yes thank you Charles please escort Ms. Rose to her friends I'm sure their worried about her" , he said while getting up from his chair. My eyes went wide when I realize I should've been making the garden scene with them by now, crap!

I get up and smile at Mr. Moretti " thank you for talking with me about the plan for us to work together in this house" I said while going to shake his hand but he of course pulls it to his lips again making me go bright red.

I pull my hand back after he has kissed it and go to Charles waiting at the door for me. We go back down the hallway and get to the stairs in the entrance of the house and go down only to be met by a man who was awfully familiar looking to me, I look at his face more and realize it's he man in the picture, but only more grown up and definitely more handsome in person.

I blush when I realize I'm in front of him just staring at his face like a dumb ass hat. " sir this is one of the students from the academy who is making the movie" , Charles says making the man not give me this threatening stare anymore.

His aura was very scary and intimidating which made me think of a very large dog that wanted to bite my head off. Making me shiver and step back a little bit. My breathing caught up a bit, shit I'm having an anxiety attack I need Maxy. I blink and my vision gets more blurry and I see black spots, before everything goes black


Callisto's pov

While in the car I get a texts again from Vlad sayings he's here and heading to the house as well. Sighing I feel more relaxed knowing their going to be there with Franco and I. Pulling into the driveway of the house Franco and I start to head to the door while seeing more of my men following.

I get to the door and go inside looking at the entrance seeing nothing has changed since we left. I haven't been back since we left, so seeing that nothing has changed makes me feel a little more comfortable. I hear talking which was near the stairs leading to dads hallway, I glared knowing no one was ever allowed near that hallway.

Marching near the stairs I look up to see what I thought looked like an Angel, I thought maybe I was hallucinating I shook my head and looked again seeing this women who look so shy but I couldn't put a finger on what she is. The flower grown she's wearing reminds me of when Angel would drag me and the other children to play and make flowers crowns for everyone.

Looking at her eye the show innocent and a very pure soul that has a little bit a curiosity in them as they look back at mine but show fear then show the curiosity. I smirk knowing she shows her emotions in her eye. Looking back at her getting out of my thoughts I see she is have an anxiety attack and then blacks out I quickly catch her and seems I'm not the only one that notice her as well cause Franco caught her to. We look at each other I see he knows what I'm thinking and probably sees I'm getting attached to her already.

"Omg sweet little puppy are you okay!" , a male says I instinctively pull her closer to me while Franco blacks him from her. He looks at us while trying to still get to her. " please sirs he is her friend his name is Max!" , Charles declares while also ordering my men to back off.

"Is this true Max?" , I say while readjusting the girl in my arms to carry her bridal style. He nods " yes I've known her ever since we were kids, was there a dog somewhere because she only passes out if there's a dog she is deathly afraid of them.?", he says while looking around we all says no and I think back when I came in and she looked afraid I guess I scared a little to much.

" sir let Max and I take her to her room and get her feeling better" , Charles says while Max grabs for her. I say " no I will take her to my room and Franco and I will take care of her" , I declare and start headed to my room and hear Charles telling Max that she will be fine.

" I heard call her sweet little puppy I know it's not her name but I think it fits very well, a scared little puppy in a den full of wolves" , Franco mumbles while staring at her. I chuckle knowing how right he is that's what she is the pup in a den of scary wolves.

We get to my room and Franco swings the door open and I walk to the bed and gently put her in it. Then sit on the side of it and look at her face seeing that even asleep she's as beautiful when awake. I notice Franco is on the other side also staring at her.

I wonder what he's thinking about and I wonder what is going to happen when  lad and Luka get here, would they see how beautiful she is or would they not think what Franco and I think, hopefully they think the same as us.

Sweet Little Puppyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن