Part 3

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🤍 author's note- sorry if I'm taking so long to upload the story. I'm uploading two parts every time I update it. 🤍

Scarlett's pov.
After eating and Maxy getting ready, we headed to pickup Molly then head off to the Academy to see what the news is about. We got to her house, we texted her and waited for her. She was probably asleep so I reached over to the horn and pressed down on it to hear the irritating sound.

After a minute I stopped and saw her jumping out of the door, stomping her way to us and then getting into the back seat. " jeez I did see your text I was just taking my sweet ass time, who did the horn this time?" , she grumble while messing with her phone to connect it to the Bluetooth in the car.

" I just wanna get there on time, remember the last time we didn't get on time and was an hour late and the professor said we weren't allowed to step foot in his classroom till the end of the session" , Max said while turning the music up a little.

🚨skipping Getting to the classroom🚨
We got there in time and had time to wait and find a nice spot to sit." Lord I hate getting up early" , Lilah sighed while sitting down next to me and cuddling into my shoulder closing her eyes. " yea but just think if we did win this contest we would be in Italy waking to see hot men and the best food to eat!" Molly said while scrolling threw her Instagram feed. I giggled and played with Maxy's hair since he's sitting between my legs.

A few minutes later our professor Charles came and had a envelope with him. " so I know that you guys are really excited about the contest and who's going to I'll just tell you then I will meet with the group who has won and give you information about the trip." He said while opening the letter " the winners are Scarlett rose Lee's group!" He said cheerfully.

I jumped up with Maxy picking me up and Lilah swinging Molly around. After knowing we won, we met up the Charles to get more information. Walking to his office we knocked and when we heard a come in we saw a man in what looked like a nice suit wearing a trench coat on his arm while holding a hat. " guys this is the house keeper of the mansion you will be staying in, his name is Karl Lorenzo" , Charles said while standing behind his desk. Karl looked at us and smiled making the wrinkles on his face collide together. " it's very nice to meet you all and I'm happy the house is finally getting used after such a long time" , he said while spinning his around with his fingers. What made me curious he had a sad look on his face when he talked about the house.

After a few hours of getting to know each other we said we would go to Italy tonight since Karl had to go back tonight to prepare a few last touches. Maxy, Molly, Lilah, and I all went back to our places to get our bags ready. Since the apartment Maxy and I live in is on campus the school will make sure that our rent will be put on hold for the year that we are

Skipping to being in Italy

Skipping to being in Italy

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