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[F/S] Favorite Snack




I hiccupped again and grimaced, but continued along with my day or rather the dishes. Hiccups were bothering me the entire time. I growled, my work on the dishes bad due to lack of patience. Maybe my dad was right, I should be a little more patient with things. I cringed as the memory played through my head…

----- Flashback! (Y/N is 4 here!) -----

I kicked my foot a little, arms crossed, a pensive look on my face. “Daddy, you were right,” I huffed, “they don’t have unicorns at the bowling alley.” My dad simply chuckled and started dancing around a little in his spot. “Oh yeah!~ I was right and you were wrong, so now I’m singin’ this stupid song!”

With a sharp childish glare, I pointed an accusatory finger at him. “Ugh! Daddy! Stop ittt. You’re being dumb!” He continued to tease me after that anyways.

----- Flashback End -----

I dislike that dance and the song SO much more. I grabbed my creek supplies with another hiccup that wracked my body and kind of hurt. It felt like a permanent frown had been etched onto my face because of these darn hiccups. With all the plants watered, except for the cacti, the door was locked, and the Venus fly trap was cleaned of dead flies, (safety precautions were followed!) A sharp hiccup left my chest and throat in pain, I groaned in annoyance as I basically stomped my way through the backyard gates and into the creek. 

Even as I had [F/S] right in my hands, after trading Kit a few toys I didn’t need nor want, the unhappy expression and feeling still carried. I sat down, surrounded by beautiful flowers and was about to enjoy my yummy [F/S] until I hiccupped. It was less painful before but even more annoying. ‘Now I can’t even eat?!’ I put my head on one of my hands, holding my snack in the other, as I looked at a weeping white rose. “Can you help me with this situation, white rose?” As if the world were against me, the wind blew against it as if it were shaking its pure, flowered head. There was a bitter smile on my face as I hiccupped.

I jumped hearing noises behind me, a voice. “That flower can’t make you feel better but I sure can!” I perked up and looked towards the direction of the sound, the owner of the voice jumped out from behind a rock and struck a pose. The person who spoke no other than, “I am the champion of feeling positivity, the foe of bad vibes throughout the galaxy! I am Sparkle Cadet and nobody can dull my sparkle!” She did a twirl before walking up to me. I grinned, excited to see her until a hiccup wiped that smile off my face. She frowned slightly, “[Y/N]! I could feel the bad vibes from so far away, what’s wrong?”

“It’s the hic-” Another one. I growled, Sparkle pondered for a moment, “have you tried water?” I nodded. “Hmm… How about holding your breath?”

I shook my head intensely with excitement to try, I exhaled, and quickly plugged my nose and shut my mouth. I tried to go as long as I could without air which wasn’t long at all, halfway in there was another hiccup which only brought me to looking more defeated than before. I whined in disappointment and sorry for wasting Sparkle's time. Time isn’t something you can’t get back after all. “Listen Sparkie, I’m sorry. There’s just no way to fix this bad mood.” A determined look crossed into her eyes, more than before at least. “No way! We aren’t giving up.” She raised her bubble wand into the air a little dramatically. 

“Well, if you say so, are there any other ways to rid me of this pain in the butt?” She giggled at the use of the word butt, she’s just so cheery and childish, an absolute ray of sunshine. Sparkle looked a little more serious now, making me nervous. “I didn’t want to resort to this but we could scare the hiccups away.” My eyes widened in surprise.

I looked away from her as I contemplated this option, last time I was scared it was terrifying but if it means getting rid of these painful hiccups it's absolutely worth it. “Fine. This’ll be my last shot… let's do it.” 

She looked at me, happy face though slightly faltering with worry. Sparkle Cadet sat down on her knees, “so! What are you afraid of?” 

“Uhhmm. I’m scared of cringey dad dances, death, racoons, clowns and bugs.” I kept listing more fears off the top of my mind, not paying attention to the glittery goddess next to me. I hiccupped once more before she slammed her hands on my shoulders and shouted, “BOO!”

I screamed and jumped forward, while trying to regulate my heartbeat, I realized, ‘She scared me, the hiccups must be gone right?!’ I apparently thought wrong and came to such a realization as a soft hiccup left me. When I curled up I hid my face of disappointment and despair. Sparkle Cadet put her hand on my shoulder comfortingly. “Oh glitter… We’ll have to try something else I suppose.” 

“What else might scare me?” We thought together as I untensed my body and showed my face again. Her hand went from my shoulder to my hand, grasping it but I paid no attention to it since I was fine with it. We are best friends after all! 

“Oh! How about we head to the sewer! It’s pretty scary there.”


Sparkle Cadets’ POV


I suggested that we should go to the sewer. It’s very scary there with its raccoons, all the scary noises, the gloomy atmosphere, dirty water, stinky trash, roaches and rats, and all the slimy goo. 

And of course, can’t forget the Sewer Queens’ nasty looking face.


redits to WorldinHand for proof reading

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