Chapter 1

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Namjoon was nervous,biting his nails and bouncing his leg in his chair. He looked over his notes 5 times over maybe even more.

Hoseok turns to Namjoon, wide grin falling as he studied the males nervous gaze at the pages filled with words and examples of the recent work that had been taught. Namjoon got this way over any major test, even though both he and Namjoon,even the whole class knew that he would pass with flying colors.

"Come one Namjoon" he put a hand on the youngers tense shoulder, trying to ease his friend," you'll do great as always bud no need to worry" the said male looked back meeting his friends sincere smile

Namjoon let out a breathe, closing his eyes allowing the older male to calm his nerves,"I know it's just-" hoseok gave namjoon a deadpan look he signed again. Before the anxious male could protest the English teacher calls for everyone's attention.

"Alright class everyone take your seats, I want you all to have the whole class period to take your finals" ms.min announces standing up from behind her desk making her way towards the whiteboard on the side of the class room.

She was fairly short,her hair was pulled up into a bun and she was wearing business casual clothes. A white button up collared shirt paired with a knee length pencil skirt completely her look with black heels making her slightly taller. One thing that never changed or faded was her warm kind smile that always spread across her face when she looked at her students.

"As you all know this final is essential if you wish to pass my class, I don't want any of you to rush,cheat or not to try at all." She scans the room stopping and pausing to look at specific students," I do not doubt that you all will do good if you try so, please don't stress to much take your time and I promise you'll do good"

Now back at her desk she wishes the students good luck and gives the clearly serious students a smile, with a nod the English quarter final began.


The hour and half went by quite quickly, when the timer when off and the bell rang the students after turning in the papers at the front scattered like roaches. Filing out of the classroom and into the hallways they went.

Namjoon stood up from his chair finally ready to turn in his final, he looked around to see that everyone had left and he signed in relief

"You have no need to worry mr.Kim I'm more than sure that you did great" ms.min's soft calm voice echoed through the empty classroom. Namjoon jump a little almost forgetting that the teacher was still here, he had been so focus as soon as they were allowed to start the test. He looked up and met her gentle smile then back down at his test— the test he had reviewed over and over— letting out one more breathe he walks over handing the small packet to the teacher.

He started to walk back to his desk to pack up when he felt a soft touch on his shoulder. He looked back," I want you to know that you are one of my best students across all of my classes,your grades and work overall are very impressive so please don't trouble yourself I know you did your best and I'm proud of you I think you should be proud of you too" she smiled her famous smile, and namjoon suddenly felt at ease all of the butterflies and negativity dissipated. He left the classroom more calm then when he entered.

Waiting by the door was hoseok accompanied by taehyung another one of namjoon's closest friends. The male threw his arm around namjoons shoulders as they began to walk.

Burning Bridges [N.J x Y.G angst]Where stories live. Discover now