Chapter 21 Christmas Party

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"do you know the gem?" I ask

how come that she's not helping Diana that Dr. Ochea knows about the gem than us!

"yes, I was forbid not to help her" she answer then sigh "for all you know the gem will find the bearer and that bearer happened to be her" in a sad tone

bearer? I look at her confuse

"you'll know in time" she smile at me "your girlfriend is here" she tell me

when I turn my eyes are wide opened.. Diana approach me

"hey, Barry" she greet me

I snapped out and looked at her

"yo-yo-your beautiful, Diana" I compliment her

"th-thanks" she stutter

"ahem" the person clear the throat "I feel out of place and if you'll excuse me, I'm going to find my fiancee" Dr. Ochea leave me and Diana alone

"how come that your here before me?" Diana ask

"well... Dr. Ochea forbid me not to fetch you so this is what she mean the surprise" I chuckle

"that's Dr. Ochea for you" she chuckled "Caitlin and Iris help me looking for my clothes and do my hair" she explain

"your wearing lip gloss" I tell her

"Iris tell me to put on a lip gloss" she sigh "anyway let's take a picture of us" she give me her Iphone 6

"yeah and it's hard that you'll take it since I'm taller than you" I tease her

"not you too" she sigh

"I love you, Diana" I look at her lovingly

"I love you too, Barry" she kiss me on the cheek

*click*I finish taking the picture that Diana kiss me on the cheek

"you take the picture of us that I kiss you on the cheek?" she ask me

"yup" I answer "this time look at the phone, Diana" I wrap my arms around Diana to pull her close

Diana and I smile then *click* it save on her album

"this will be our story of us, Barry" she tell me

I give her the phone as Diana change the wallpaper the one we took a picture, together

"I'll be with you, Diana" I kiss her temple

"me too.. I'll be with you, always" she kiss me on the cheek

*Diana P.O.V*

Barry and I are joining the games of paper dance

"I can believe that were having like this" he told me

the music stop as Barry carried me in bridal style since the paper is getting smaller

"go MARRY!" Dr. Ochea cheer me and Barry

"I have the feeling that Dr. Garcia will not lose on us" I whisper at his ear

"let's win this dance" he wink at me

he put me down gently.. the music start, I fold the paper. Barry and I dance together

who would have thought that he can be a good dancer? I thought of myself

"wow, Mr. and Mrs. Garcia Vs. Dr. Greyson and her boyfriend are the only one's left in the paper dance" MC announce

the people cheered at us.. when the music stop, Barry carried me again as Dr. Garcia carried his wife

"5,4,3.." the people count down

Dr. Garcia couldn't do it any longer as they lose the game. the people cheered at me and Barry as both of us laugh

after the game, all of us are eating food.. both of us are joing at Dr. Garcia's table since he let us join

"it's nice to see you again, Maria" Mrs. Garcia tell me

"me too, Barry this is the wife of Dr. Garcia and my former teacher back in College" I tell my boyfriend

Barry said "you two are really close back then" in a surprise tone

"she is super strict and I'm thankful for what she did or else my mind went blank and don't know what to answer a test" I chuckled

Mrs. Garcia said "and you even give me a hard question" playfully glare at me

Barry said "I guess you're having a hard time to answer" he chuckled

"believe me Barry, Diana is a very hard dedicating student before" she sip the wine

Dr. Garcia said "everyone is shocked that Dr. Greyson already have a boyfriend and that is you" he point at Barry

Barry said "yeah" he placed his arm around my shoulder to pull me close "I can tell that there are some doctors are glaring at me" he laugh nervously

"they are jealous of you because she's hard to get and you two are couples" he chuckled

"I love her" he look at me lovingly

"you two are made for each other" Mrs. Garcia look at us happily

>>>>>>>>>> Time Skip <<<<<<<<<<

after the Christmas party, Barry and I left.. both of us are at the Italian Restaurant

"I didn't expect that you'll receive a swim suit that is two piece" he laugh at me

the one who give me a gift is Dr. Ochea as Barry laugh at me

"like I would wear it" I tell him

"you should wear it when both of us will go to the beach" he winked at me

"sorry, Barry... I'll wear a swimsuit that not too much expose of my body" I stuck my tongue at him

"so when are you going to tell Iris about us?" he wrap his arm around my hips and his head on my shoulder

"on the Christmas day, I'm sure.. Iris will be shocked that the two of us will be together" I kiss him on the cheek

"are we keeping the secret from her?" he ask

"more like her best gift" both of us chuckle

"yeah" he let go of me "have you finish packaging?" he ask

"they'll receive it tomorrow since Iris was shock that I brought many presents" he pat my head

our order is already set in our table

"she said that this rate you'll be the female version of Santa Claus" I tell him

"and travel around the world, Diana.. which I'll miss you" he smile at me

"that's sweet of you, Barry" I compliment him "I don't know.. how I end up dating a dork and nerd like you" I tease him

"that's because I'm your dork and nerd, Diana" he tease me back

"yeah you are" I chuckled

"I love you, Diana" hearing those three words makes me happy

"I love you too, Barry" I tell him

both of us are eating our dinner happily

*Third Person P.O.V*

Barry and Diana didn't know that they we're watching by a mysterious guy

"Maria and Barry... I'll meet you guys when the time comes for my powers are starting to came back" he whispered

"I have to tell you something important" the lady in 20's appeared besides him

"what is it?" he ask

"she'll be in danger and he'll kill her after he ask a question who Deity is" in a grave tone

"I'll have a little visit on him then" he smirked "he'll be surprise"

"he'll be more shocked for that" she smirked

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