chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It was February 26th 1943, I was a nurse for the United States Army and was dealing with the aftermath of Kasserine pass, a long series of battles that ended in defeat for us. The casualties were in the thousands and it seemed the more us field nurses and doctors worked the more we lost. 

Lieutenant  Turner and Lieutenant Pierson both had come in for a casualty report resulting in a very loud scolding from Turner, using the men on cots as a visual aid to remind Pierson  of a massive screw up.

 It was annoying and I was flustered from having to care for more soldiers in a more than packed medical tent to do so. It was crammed, hot, smelled of sweat, piss, and blood, not to mention the soldiers were in agonizing pain terrified that they would be meeting their maker soon. Surely there was a better place for discipline. 

I was rushing my rounds going from one bed then the next when Lieutenant Turner asked me if the casualty report was available.

"Does it look like it's available to you Lieutenant?" I growled realizing I just mouthed off to the wrong people. I pinched my forehead and let out a deep sigh, "sorry that was a bit abrasive, just give us a few more hours while we weed through here and you'll have your report" I said. Lieutenant  Turner went to open his mouth only to be interrupted by the screams of a poor soul.

"They're everywhere… EVERYWHERE '' cried the traumatized soldier. He had just gotten a bullet extracted earlier and he wasn't confused then but his panic made me worry as I rushed over to him once again ignoring and disrespecting the two Lieutenants

"It's alright your safe" I assured him while I put my arm over his forehead, he felt like fire and I realised he was beyond delirious from shock. I went to give him something for his fever when he let out a growl while tearing at his clothes. 

"I need restraints and aid here!" I cried out into the busy tent. I turned back to look at him and he leapt out of his cot and throat slammed me into the ground before anyone could assist me. I desperately tried fighting against him as he started to choke me harder. Turner tackled him then forced him back onto the cot and held the poor deranged man down as restraints were latched. 

I struggled to catch my breath as I started to sit up. My eyes watered as I coughed and gasped, adding to my already pissed off mood. Turner offered to help me up. I looked around while he helped me up and saw lieutenant Pierson was helping another nurse restrain the man and to sedate him. Once I was on my feet I gave Turner the biggest glare I could muster

"While I appreciate the help just now, isn't there a different place where you can wait for your casualty report and talk about this colossal screw up? " I asked, pushing past the men while scurrying back to work.

"Sorry about her, sir, ‘she's a very get the work done type’, not exactly one for chit chatting" one of the field nurses said to the two men as I hurried back to work.

 I rolled my eyes and called her back to work "Herston, I still see three yellow ribbons and five whites maybe you should get on those instead chit chatting" I called over to her, reminding her of the work to be done

"On it" she chirped back. The two men finally left, giving us a small amount of room to move in. "You shouldn't talk to them like that. They're Lieutenants and they just save your life" Herston lectured gesturing to their shadows that silhouetted the tent from the setting sun

"And I will take my consequences for my lack of respect Herston but right now we need to focus and get back to work" I growled 

"Or you could quit being aggressive" she grumbled 

I ignored her and kept working. Herston muttered how it was lucky we were best friends before getting back to her work.

14 hours of endless running later, a new unit of nurses took over for us to get rest. Lily Herston, a usually happy go lucky high energy nurse, was barely lucid. Slowly mumbling as she could barely keep her eyes open, I guided her to her tent knowing if I didn't she'd innocently wind up in someone else's.

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