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Normal POV

One word to describe how Kortez felt in the morning would be shit.

He felt like total and complete shit.

He woke up slowly and torturously thanks to his phones ringtone attempting to split his head in two. Why did he drink so much last night? What did he drink last night? All the events from last night where a blur, he couldn't even remember how he got home.

Kortez groaned, dragging his hand over his face and rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he looked around his room.

Good. He had made it to his bed....somehow.

He stretched slightly, ignoring a sudden burst of pain in his leg at the movement, assuming he had stumbled last night. He looked around through half-lidded eyes before locating his phone on the nightstand which has begun to ring once again. He gritted his teeth, preparing himself for the sudden movement before reaching for his phone.

Kortez wasn't too shocked to find that it was Cayenne calling him. That and the fact that it was 10:30 in the morning. With a deep breath, he accepted the call. "H- hello?", he whinced at the sound of his voice. His throat was unbelievable parched, as if he had been at a Rock concert screaming his lung out.

However, it seemed his friend found joy in his pain and suffering, cracking softly into the phone, "Glad you're still alive, sugarpill", she greeted lightly, cautious of his hangover, "after last night I was worried we'd lost you."

Kortez almost threw up at the reminder, thinking back to all he must've drank last night. He moaned aloud, hand going to his poor aching head, "God, what happened?", he huffed, trying and failing to recall the sequence of events that got him here.

Cayenne snorted, "Please, you mean what almost happened", she corrected, eluding to the events that occurred in that club booth. Kortez might not have remembered, but she had. She even recalled how he murmured the sexy strangers name as he struggled to stay conscious on the drive home. She was never gonna let him live this down.

The groggy man pinched the bridge of his nose to relieve some of the intense tension in his head. "Just tell me what I did, Cay", he grunted harshly. Did he look like he was in the mood for riddles? He was clearly beating on deaths door like the police. He looked over to find a glass of water and some tablets on his nightstand. He made a mental note to take someone out for brunch because they truly loved him.

"Damn, if I'd known you would be snippy, I wouldaa let you take Zaine  home like you wanted", she quipped. This was what she got for being a good friend to him?

Kortez choked on his water at the mention of him. His dream from last night, flashing before him as he beat his chest to get the water out, "Z- Zaine?" One mention of his name and that burning was back. Nonetheless he disregarded it, needing to think everything she had to say, "W- wh- what happened? What did I do? Oh my god, what did I do?" Kortez racked his brain but couldn't remember much of anything in relation to Zaine. 'Let's see, I saw him before we left, then I saw him again at the exact same club I was at. What else?' Everything after that was a blur, not including the dream where he gave him the bombest head of his life as he ate him like he was literally dying without his mouth on me.

"It wasn't just you", Cay offered with mirth in her voice, "That man was on you like white on rice, baby. You shouldda saw yo face when you saw him; practically handing him yo panties, not that I blamed you. Why didn't you tell us he was that fine?"

Kortez groaned, facepalming, "Why do you think I stay away from him?", he muttered. "That's the type of man that'll ruin yo life", he said. "Extra fine men like that always come with a small blueprint; they'll fuck up your credit, your friendships and yo mind. I always preferred a head on my shoulders over one between my legs." That was a bold face lie and he knew it; he would gladly be the next Marie Antoinette if it would meant Zaine would make last night a reality.

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