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Normal POV

Kortez jumped awake with a start at the sound of heavy banging. Once his heart returned to its normal pattern and he had indeed not had a heart attack he sat up in his bed, trying to catch his breath. He went to rub the sleep from his eyes only for the banging to return. Needing to stop it before his head explodes, Kortez jumped out of bed. He threw on a fluffy yellow robe and stumbled blindly out his room and down the hall to stop the God awful banging.

Kortez threw open his door without a care, not even caring to ask who it was first,"Hmm?", he mumbled, trying to rub the sleep from his eyes.

'Who the hell comes to somebody house at 7 in the morning anyway?'

Zaine was taken aback by the sight,"Well aren't you something", his dark eye dragged up and down his body, his bottom lip between his teeth. He truly wasn't making this easy for him is he?

Hearing that rich deep voice was like a shot of adrenaline. Kortez was suddenly wide awake and very self-conscious; it was like the ice bucket challenge. His mouth snapped shut as he cowered in on himself as Zaine stared him down. He seemed to completely forget that a mere ten seconds ago, he wanted to ring his neck

Kortez fidgeted awkwardly under his heavy gaze. He looked away, swallowing the lump in his throat, "Uh...is there something you need Zaine?", he asked him. He was the picture of chill but on the inside he was a mess. He was embarrassed to talk to him knowing that he had thought about him as he came harder than had in his entire life. That was way more than some subliminal dream shit: he had fantasized about him touching his body and he could've sworn he actually felt it.

"I was hoping we'd get to finish our conversation from when you came by", Zaine started with an innocence, head low as if he was bashful, "I haven't seen you around", he lied smoothly with a grin. He knew he had been avoiding him, but he allowed it to persist; he loved a chase and his mate was well worth the back and forth. After last night he knew he would have to get to Kortez as soon as possible. He didn't think he could take much more of this; his hunger more difficult to control than he thought. He was starving and Kortez' arousal right now was more than tempting him.

Zaine used every ounce of his self-restraint, pushing back his desires to have his way with his neighbor. 'Not yet; it isn't time yet.'

"Are you getting ready for work?", he asked him innocently, his hands in the pockets of his well tailored black pants,"I wouldn't want to keep you."

"No uh nah man, I'm actually off today", Kortez found himself saying for some reason. He had a strange feeling that was gonna come back and bite his in the ass later. "Please come inside", he muttered, stepping aside to let him in and shut the door.

As he tried to reorganize himself quickly, Zaine moved farther into his large studio apartment, looking around,"Lovely apartment you have", he complimented, liking the homey woodsy decor of his place.

As he tried to reorganize himself quickly, Zaine moved farther into his large studio apartment, looking around,"Lovely apartment you have", he complimented, liking the homey woodsy decor of his place

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