"Hi daph" Pansy greeted her.

Daphne was accompanied by her younger sister that would be joining them at hogwarts in September Astoria, Cho Chang and Tracey Davis.

Cho was a very introverted girl at school and even now you could tell she was rather uncomfortable with the big group they were in, Neville however knew how she was feeling being the only Gryffindor in a group of Slytherins. It can be quite nerve wracking so he went out of his way to make sure she didn't exclude herself from the group.

Tracey was staying with the Greengrass' for a week she had told Cassie who was surprised to see her. Cassiopeia enjoyed Tracey's company more than the other girls in her year, excluding Pansy of course. She was more fun, an example being when Theo and Blaise thought it would be hysterical to throw mud at the girls while they were sunbathing. Daphne screamed Astoria started to tear up and Pansy yelped as she brushed the mud of. Tracey simply laughed, picked up a hand full of mud and chased after the boys successfully hitting Blaise in the back of the head with it.

Eventually Daphne and Astorias dad come to get them from the park so the gang decided to head back to Pansy's too. On the walk back Pansy had convinced Cassie to spend the night, not that it took much convincing Cassie was pining just as much for Pansy as she was for her.

All the boys went home and Mrs Parkinson made the girls some snacks so they could indulge before bed. Cassiopeia always felt safe when she was with Pansy, obviously she loved Draco but he was always a little anxious and it rubbed off on Cassie. That night was the first night of sleep that Cassie had actually relaxed and got a decent sleep.


Lucius Malfoy was the soul bane of Cassiopeia Black's existence. He was a horrible horrible man, to the family house elf dobby, to Narcissa, to Draco, and to her. The majority of the summer he spent avoiding the family, Cassie preferred it that way.

Around halfway through the summer Lucius seemed to become fixiated on something in his office and would spend all his time locked away in his office like a hermit only seeing dobby when he needed something. Narcissa clearly didn't care in the slightest almost like she had forgotten that he was there, whenever he walked into a room she had a surprised look on her face that read as 'oh right I have a husband that lives here' and then she'd go back to whatever she was doing.

Something else Cassie had noticed was that dobby seemed to be disappearing for small periods of time, she didn't think nothing off it but she thought it was strange. One night Lucius had left his office unlocked and she talked Draco into sneaking in and looking around so they could try and figure out what he was up to.

It was all going rather well up until Cassie opened up a leather bound black diary on his desk. All the pages were blank but the longer she held onto it the sharper that pain in her chest came back, she threw the diary back onto the desk causing Draco to jump.

"What is it Cass?" He walked over to the desk.

"Nothing" she lied and walked around the desk, "come on let's go to bed"

The two of them didn't bring it up again, though Cassie now noticed how her chest stung a lot more than it had been at the start of summer, she also picked up on how drained Lucius looked. His eyes had heavy bags beneath and his skin looked translucent, the same way hers looked.

She chose to ignore the strange occurrence after a week of trying to figure out what was going on because the whole gang was coming for a sleepover, besides Neville. Hanging out at Pansy's was one thing but Lucius had known ties to dark magic and Voldemort so Neville thought it would be best to stay away from the manor.

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