Chapter:6 Narcissus

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The Elysium Fields are greener than any place I have ever been to, it's perfect for an afterlife. Peaceful, quiet, and simply breathtaking, the mountains almost blend into the horizon. The clouds are passing, it's not even hot here. But no it's not time to think about it while I fall to my death. Air rushes around me and rips at everything: my hair, jeans, and shirt. I brace my arms around my knees and transform.

Wings made of shadows fading to light, grow out of my back. I feel ecstasy, I can taste it. I shoot upwards with such blinding speed it brings tears to my eyes, as the wind rushes in. Adrenaline, I'm buzzing with it. I spin again, marvelling at the freedom with which I can fly.

No need to worry about the mortals watching me. Breathe in, the memories of last night come back. I need to think of a way to tell Mom and Dad, or maybe Apollo will put me out of my misery and tell them for me. Either way, I have things to explain. Lucas was forcing someone. It's disgusting. I did the world a favour by killing him. I don't regret it. I shouldn't. But that doesn't stop me from making myself feel guilty. I take a sharp turn and then start free falling. It's like sky-diving, I imagine. Every conscious thought leaves you, it's just you, the sky, and the clouds you pass through. It's bliss.

I fly till my backaches. I land among the fields of narcissus flowers. I can feel Mom's magic here, it eases the knots in my chest. I sit picking flowers, another grows in place. The black river Styx flows in front of me. Something in me resonates with the river, with its ever-flowing darkness, with ancient souls crawling in it.

What was Mom thinking when she came here? Did she love Hades? Does she love him now? Does Mom resent me for being the result of her past? What was she like when she was Persephone? Persephone must have loved this place, the flowers, and the gardens are proof of that. What made her leave it? Hate it? I look at the horizon where Hades' obsidian palace cuts up the sky, looking slightly sinister. I feel my mother's magic everywhere in Elysium.

I heard something of a stampede, I'm on my feet in a second. Shadows and light in both of my hands ready to be used. A great dog, knocks me off my feet, looking for what looks like a huge blue chew toy near my legs. 

"Well hello there," I pat his heads.

I laugh at Cerberus. He sniffs me, then with one of its heads nudges me to throw the toy. I indulge the dog and throw it as far as I can. Cerberus breaks into a run in pursuit of it. Then he brings it back to me, I throw it back again, and I laugh like I never had the privilege to do so before.

I should be scared of Cereberus, of his huge teeth that could impale me, and his claws that could tear me into pieces. But for some reason, my heart won't allow me to feel fear. I think Cereberus recognises me too, I don't reckon Hades would let his dog, fraternize with someone.

"Oi!" This girl screams when Cereberus runs past her, scaring her. The blonde girl fell over, I ran over and helped her to her feet

" Hi, sorry about that Cereberus was just playing fetch."

"Oh yeah," She says sheepishly

"I'm Morana," I look at her, bright green eyes, blonde hair splayed down to her back tangling with her grey wings.

"Cassia," She says. Cassia isn't a soul that came here after she died, she's alive. I don't how I can tell but I can feel it.....

"Nice to......Ahhh" I scream as Cerberus scrambles at me, and licks my face ruthlessly. WITH ALL THREE HEADS.

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