Chapter: 5 Thy Kingdom Come

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Everything smells different, lavender and coffee. I open my eyes, and there's a huge black crystal chandelier, against the ceiling and the bed it's black silk. This is not my home. Memories of killing Lucas flood back into me, and just like that I can't breathe. I'm shaking so bad, I can't stop it, I pull my knees together and bury my face in it. Arms surround me, I can't even see who it is. It smells like dad's cologne. Comfort. I trust it enough to cry. I cry until my jeans are soaked near the knees, making two circles a few shades darker than the dry areas. Dad is stroking my hair, rhythmically. I don't deserve it.

I said "O me paenitet, pater mi tu ego destituta " I'm sorry Dad I disappointed you. 

Gosh, I'm so stupid. Dad doesn't know Latin.

He answers slowly "Suus 'ok solitariam " it's ok, darling. My body goes stiff. Hades. It's Hades. I recoil away. And the next thing I know I'm as far as I can get in this room. He still is standing there. Is he always this immaculate? The outfit is simple but looks like it could be on a runway. Black formal trousers with a white dress shirt with sleeves rolled up to the forearm. What is wrong with me? I'm here complimenting his outfit in my head and not thinking what the hell is going on.

"Where am I?" I asked with as much command I can muster.

"The Underworld," He says.

The day couldn't get worse "They will kill you for bringing me here," Apollo, Mom, and Dad will be extremely mad.

"Apollo knows and he agreed," he explains.

" Apollo would never do that," I say confidently.

"Why do you smell like that?" I feel like I betrayed Dad for some reason.

"Smell like what?" He muttered.

"Like Dad!" I screeched

"Grayson wears Tom Ford Soleil Blanc!?" He seems repulsed and insulted.

That's the exact name of the cologne Dad buys, it's his can't-live-without-product

"Why am I here?"I wanted to get this over with.

"I felt your anxiety" he turns away.

"wha-what?" I'm confused. Is he stalling for something? Or distracting me? It's working if he is. He doesn't answer. "What do you mean you felt my anxiety?" I ask again.

He blows a long breath "I heard you in my head when you screamed for help". He shakes his head as if it would send the memory away.

"I didn't ask for help" I glared, it's creepy how he knows I asked for help. Wait, can he read minds?

"No, you screamed for it and made me choke on my evening coffee," Then Hades waits a moment and drops the bomb. "Yes I can read minds and you can too" He spoke my mind.

My body felt like it turned to stone. He can read minds and he can bluff too. Don't trust everything. Just like Dad said.

"Can you read my mind?" my voice cracks.

"No, I cannot," He glances at me then adds "I couldn't read your mother's either."

Relief rushes in, I almost relax my stance. He notes all of it, my hesitation to relax.

"I won't harm you; I don't think I can," He almost seems sincere. I laugh humorlessly. His shoulders bunch up as if he is in pain.

Then he turns slowly. "I mean it, I can't lie anyways" he shrugs. That wasn't written in any of the books.

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