Chapter 11.

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*Skylers POV*. Wednesday 3rd August.

A lot happened the other night my head is messed up In so many ways, I feel so low and messed with. I haven't even had my phone since Megan took it away from me, the moment I heard Petes voice and all music in the background, I guess it set in concrete that she didn't really want me.

Me and Megan are sat on one of my dads private planes, I needed to get away from New York for awhile. To be honest I think my dad wants me to leave so that way he doesn't have to to deal with me either, everything is such a mess right now.

"I can't believe we have to fly for a grand total of 24 hours." Megan sighed laying back in her seat sitting opposite me.

"I need to get as far away from everything as possible Megan." I shook my head.

"You know she's going to be waiting at that airport for you, til the very second she leaves" Megan sighed.

I massaged my temples with my finger tips, all I could feel is stress.
"Then let her, it's not my problem."

Megan slapped my knee.
"You don't mean that! You're being totally irresponsible right now! I can't believe you brought Alex either, is this your way of saying fuck you? I thought this old Skyler was gone."

I shrugged off Megan's words, so what, I can do what the fuck I want.
"I actually quite like Alex"

Megan frowned looked quite pissed off.
"No you don't! If you did you'd been with her instead of Ariana, but you didn't!"

I quickly tapped Megan's knee, putting my finger on my lips signalling her to be quiet as I saw Alex appear from the other side of the plane.

Megan rolled her eyes speaking in a sarcastic tone.
"Oh joy..."

"This plane is absolutely insane! Thanks for inviting me!" Alex screamed with joy.

I saw in the corner of my eye Megan gagging obnoxiously in her seat.

"Just wait til you see where we are going" I grinned playfully at Alex.

"Hmm, well now I really can't wait. What are the room arrangements?" Alex spoke in a low tone grinning back at me.

Megan's eyes shot back to me looking even more pissed off. Luckily Alex was sat slightly behind Megan, so she couldn't see how she was acting right now.

"Well, there's two king sized rooms with en-suite, so one of us will have to share with the other" I winked.

Megan suddenly moved, causing everyone to jump as the back of her feet smacked into her chair.
"Me and Skyler are sharing! I have such bad nightmares like, I sleep walk and I end up smacking someone in the middle of the night."

I looked at Megan with big eyes mouthing 'what the fuck' as she comes off super crazy, what the hell is she playing at right now.

"I think you'll be fine" I shook my head.

Megan looked at me with crazy eyes, her tone lowering.
"Nobody on this plane wants to mess with me right now, do they SKYLER."

I leaned forward getting pissed off.
"I think you're being totally -"

Alex cut me off.
"I don't want to step on anybodys toes... I'm okay with a room on my own honestly."

Megan sat opposite me smiling like a brat at me as if to say 'haha', I shook my head trying not to laugh as she acts like a child.

Alex cleared her throat.
"Are you guys... dating? Bec-"

I quickly spoke up.
"No! We're best friends! Nothing more ever."

Unexpected Changes. Arianaxgirl GxgTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang