Chapter 12*

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Tay winces in pain from having been violently shoved into the ground during a game. The roars of the crowd grow muffled in his ears as he remains wounded on the ground, struggling not to curse at the gods for allowing him to be in so much agony. He's almost seen the light at the end of the tunnel when one of his teammates, Earth, comes over and offers him a hand.

Tay takes his hand with difficulty, getting on his feet before Earth aggressively pulls him in close. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Sorry I'm..." Tay starts, wiping the sweat off of his face with the bottom of his jersey. "I---"

"I hate to go all High School Musical on you, but get your head in the game," he hisses before slapping Tay on his back and jogging away.

Tay shakes out his body as he jogs over to stand in front of the member he's supposed to be blocking. His head is anywhere but "in the game" once the clock starts counting down again, and he's absolutely certain he isn't even present until he gets hit in the side with a basketball coming towards him at fifty at miles per hour. Once he's struck, the ball quickly gets stolen by the other team as Tay takes a moment to register what has just happened, and within seconds, one of them dunks it into the basket, causing one half of the stands to erupt into cheer, while the other half boos at Tay.

As soon as a time out is called, Coach Barry unleashes his wrath. "Tay!" the coach yells, one of his veins nearly popping out of his head. "Get over here!"

Tay jogs over as his eyes scan the crowd of spectators once more---just in case.

"What the hell is wrong with you today?" he asks, his face reddening.

"I don't know," Tay starts, rubbing a hand down his sweaty face. "I'm just out of it. I'm so sorry Coach. I don't know what's gotten into me. I swear I'll stop fucking around from here on out."

"You'd better," he growls, jabbing Tay in the chest with his finger. "You're our star player---you have to remain open at all times," he says, displaying the stance himself. "Always be prepared for when the ball is coming at you---always. You should know that!"

Tay fixes the sweatband that's settled against his hairline. "Got it, Coach."

The whistle blows and Coach Barry nearly shoves the boy back onto the court. Tay rubs his hands together before getting in front of the opposing team member he's blocking and letting his features harden with enough determination to put fear in the eyes of anyone who dare looks at him.

The sheer grit and ferociousness lasts as long as it takes for Tay to remember that New isn't there. One half-second glance at the stands allows the opposing team member to steal the ball right of Tay's hands. Tay tries his best to tune out his coach's terrifying screams.

Their team still ends up winning anyway, because the rest of them worked especially hard to make up for the fact that Tay's mind was totally somewhere other than the gymnasium. That's what Tay loves most about his team; the fact they can literally accomplish anything when they come together and forget about always passing Tay the ball.

New didn't say he wasn't coming to the game, but Tay thought that after numerous times now, it could go unspoken that he was always going to be expected at the games, seeing as he'd attended every single other game so far that year. Tay has gotten used to him being there; finding his cheery, adorable face among the dozens in the crowd, smiling cutely at him and getting the same proud one in return. The view of his favorite boy in the world always motivates him to do his absolute best on the court, because he loves turning around and catching New's shy smile every time he makes a shot. Tay's only a good basketball player when New is there. This hasn't always been the case, but ever since they'd gotten together, Tay's entire being has slowly adapted to New being there. He hates to admit that he almost feels lost without him, because it sounds so sad and mushy, but he knows it's the truth. He needs New there.

[TAC] THREE'S A CROWDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora