Chapter 09*

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Off uses his index finger to push his glasses up on his nose as he narrows his eyes to scan the many different spines of books displayed in the aisles. He's looking for a specific version of Oedipus Rex for an analysis he's supposed to be doing for his English class, and it's taken him a lot longer than he had originally planned.

It isn't the worst thing in the world anyway, because the library is the one place in school where it's guaranteed to be quiet---the librarian can actually kick someone out if they don't whisper, so this is obviously Off's kind of place.

He runs his fingers over the different spines as his feet makes slow steps from one end of the aisle to the other. All he can hear are the faint sounds of textbook pages flipping, momentarily sniffles from someone who obviously needs a tissue, and a few hushed whispers.

Off only turns his head slightly away from the rows of books, and immediately wishes he hadn't. He sees Tay in the distance, stood at the front desk, seemingly trying to make a book return. He thanks his lucky stars that the boy doesn't see him as he waltzes over to the next aisle---the more hidden aisle.

He can't exactly pinpoint why he's avoiding Tay, but something inside of him is telling him he has to. After discovering this deep, hidden longing that he has for New, he feels like coming in contact with Tay would just be wrong. He feels wrong, in a sense, because he hasn't told anybody, and he's continued to joke and have fun with New, while he knows inside that he wants more.

It's just when Off is getting too lost in his thoughts, unable to concentrate on anything else but his own personal dilemmas, that he feels a hand tap on his right shoulder.

He turns his head towards the right, and finds his own eyes immediately met with soft brown ones.

"Hey," Tay says as he pulls one of the books out of the rows and flips it open to examine it.

"Hi," Off replies. His words are hesitant as he speaks, using all of his strength to prevent his vowels from trembling. "Looking for Oedipus Rex too, I'm guessing?"

Tay looks up at him, his smile deepening as he grins. "Yep. English sucks, doesn't it?"

Off lets out a forced, half second chuckle. "Yeah," he agrees as he slowly lets his feet back away.

"Listen," Tay starts, taking a step forward as he places the book back on the shelf.

Off pauses his backward strides, instead gluing his feet to the ground and shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweats. "Hmm?"

"Thanks for helping New, and stuff," Tay says, scratching behind his head. It's obvious to Off that it's taken everything out of this boy to give Off a simple "thank you". "He really appreciates it...I really appreciate it. He's improving a lot in his classes, so..." he continues, holding two awkward thumbs up.

Off lifts one hand to stroke at his other arm. "No problem."

Tay lets out a sigh, and even though Off's unnecessarily skilled at interpreting sighs, he can't indicate whether this one is good or bad. Tay's lips remain pressed together, his teeth out, as though he's thinking of saying something, but is keeping himself from saying it.

Off tips his head forward in a cordial goodbye nod, before starting to back away again so that he can part ways with Tay. Before he can turn the aisle, however, Tay calls for him again.

Off approaches the boy once more at the call of his name, one of his eyebrows quirked up in anticipation of whatever it is he has to say.

" remember our understanding, right?" Tay asks, gesturing between the both of them. "About N---"

[TAC] THREE'S A CROWDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora